#am i caught up on this show


dear doctor ep 10

ahh, our dear angst muffin just keeps running away. and i get it. i mean, i don’t really because i’ve, thankfully, never been in his situation but. he keeps hurting my baby.

i’m just living for all these jealous moments with metha and nuch, honestly. the moment he told her he didn’t want to be her friend?? i was screaming, “just tell her u wanna be her lover-boy.”

ughhh he was cute, but crypto?? really?? ewww no thanks.

nathee gets stinking drunk when he thinks keeta is quitting?? yeah, tell me how much you don’t like keeta, you liar.


AND THEN IT FADED TO BLACK???? WHAAAAA THEY HAD SEX????????!!! i mean, i’m totally onboard this ship now. it’s not that the first kiss wasn’t awkward and it’s not that nathee isn’t stinking drunk, but…nathee/keeta are kinda hot together???


i’m just so glad we all now know–prakan included–the story behind how prakan got sanya’s heart and that’s why prakan can see tua/sanya. (it really was fate that brought them together, i mean the amount of things that had to go right–or wrong?? depending on how u look at it, i guess?–for prakan to receive tua’s heart instead of other people ahead of him in the queue, the fact that prakan’s young body didn’t reject tua’s heart, the amount of good luck and fortune that prakan didn’t die *before* tua did, i mean *hands* i know it’s not out right said but until canon disproves me, i’m totally calling this love story a red thread of fate, which is why it’d be so incredibly cruel to end this story in a heartbreaking way, universe.)

and i’m so glad we got so many good kisses between prakan/tua and a fade-to-black sex scene. and this hopefully means prakan will stop running away from sanya and pushing him away. tho i am very nervous about what that red card means for sanya. are the consequences of his actions rearing their head??? and am very nervous that this means now sanya will be the one running away from prakan. guhhh the dreaded ep 11 and its curse…
