#amazing as usual



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♘︎ : @desiray562@gabzlovesu@reneeslay@emonaculate@po3ticb3auty@indiecursor@protectpancakes


THINGS HAD BEEN TENSE SINCE THE EVENTS OF LAST MONTH. Finding out that Kenji was a fighter was one thing but everyone else finding out that you knew Kenji, was another. Why? Because Sukuna lost and that sent him into a rage like no other. You weren’t sure if anything could ever be the same after that. The look of betrayal that painted Sukuna’s face had you wanting to cry tears of forgiveness, although you had done nothing wrong.

“I promise I didn’t know!” You guys were now backstage in the locker rooms for the Home team.

Wendy had a grip on your wrist, ready to pull you back at any time. Nanami and Choso were on either side of you, unsure of what their friend would do. Sukuna had never hit a woman but that didn’t mean he was above it and with how angry he was right now, no one wanted to find out.

Sukuna’s fiery red eyes stared at you with such hatred and disgust. “Fuck that. You’re supposed to be my best friend and yet you’re out here fucking with the enemy.” His words were like acid hitting your skin, it had you flinching in pain. “God, is it that hard for you to not fuck anybody? Are you that much of a fucking whore?!”

That caused a commotion between your friends. Wendy was quick to let go of your wrist so that she could charge at Sukuna herself. Everything after that was a blur; you don’t remember Yuji and the kids escorting you out of the arena nor do you remember Kenji spotting you with them and taking you home. You don’t know how much you cried or how hard you begged Sukuna not to be mad at you, but everyone else did. They saw how upset you were by everything your friend was saying.

Sukuna wasn’t just another person to you and vice versa. He was the one you spent the most time with besides Geto. He was the one who you shared your secrets and worries with. The two of you met just two weeks prior to you meeting Geto as he was the one to invite you over to the smoke sesh. And somehow, in some weird way, the two of you clicked. So his words hit harder than you could ever have imagined.

Since then, you had stayed away from the guys that became like brothers to you, spending more time with Kenji ever since he officially became your boyfriend. And you weren’t avoiding them in a cowardly way. You just knew that Sukuna would want nothing to do with you. And that hurt more than anyone could ever know.

“Baby.” Kenji called out for you, stopping the negative thoughts you were having.

You blinked once, twice, three times before answering. “Sorry, did you say something?”

He smiled, getting up from his gaming chair to crawl in between your spread legs and rest his head on your tummy.

“What’s on your mind, angel?”

Kenji was good at that; being present and attentive to your needs. It made it easier for you to fall for him. “Just midterms. Nothing serious.”

Lying wasn’t something you wanted to do in your perfect relationship. But your thoughts about another guy, best friend or not, may trigger the already possessive man and you didn’t want that.

“You love me?” His voice was muffled as he pressed his face into your stomach.

Love was something you had yet to identify in your whirlwind romance with him but it was apparently something he did.

Your hesitation wasn’t welcomed and you found yourself wincing in pain at the sudden dig of his nails into your hips. His eyes were dark as they looked up at you in anticipation.

“Ow! The hell?!” You cursed, trying to wiggle free from his hold but he was stronger than you.

Kenji moved into a plank position, his arms on either side of your hips and his hands were now firmly gripping your skin.

“Do you love me, baby?” The sweet boy you had just seen moments before had turned into someone else.

“Y-yes, of course. I’m sorry for making you think otherwise!” This was an unfortunate situation, one that you never expected to find yourself in, but you didn’t want to see the outcome.

Immediately, Kenji offered you a smile brighter than the sun as he leaned down to press a feverish kiss on your lips.

His emotions were giving you whiplash, but as he kissed you with such passion and touched you with lustful hands, you found yourself melting into him.

“Wanna make you feel good.” He mumbled against your lips, hot hands tugging at the waistband of the sweats you wore.

A soft moan slipped out your mouth at the future acts to come. “Yes. Please, yes.”

You wouldn’t know it yet, but Kenji had you eating out the palms of his hands. And my God, were they dirty.

. hate to do y’all like this but y’all were starting to love kenji and i could not have that so now the real drama starts.


Nah cause wait a minute… I know this damn bastard didnt… and sukuna… you… wow… I’m honestly just in disbelief. I knew Kenji was probably gonna be a bad guy but atleast beat Geto’s ass first.

It’s the way that I’m actually hurt about Sukuna being mean but I still don’t give a fuck about Geto…

My commentary ain’t even the same because of how sad I’m in… dawg pls…
