#amber x reader


Fem!Reader x Amber/Kaeya/Albedo

Masterlist,Part 1 

TW: spoilers for character lore (especially Albedo)

Walking through the streets of Mondstadt was like walking straight into a fairytale. You always thought the game and its people were beautiful but seeing it up close and personal, rendered you speechless. However, the townspeople staring at you, kneeling as you passed by and whispering to themselves made you feel incredibly self conscious. You really regretted not wearing cuter pajamas. You grabbed Amber’s arm, “Amber they’re all staring at me, how much longer to headquarters?” Amber’s heart skipped a beat when she felt your hands on her skin, like a bride on her wedding day, she blushed.

“Oh! Uh- it’s not much further from here, just-just a little while longer. Though… I can’t really blame the people, your Grace. We’ve worshiped you for so long, seeing you in person is a truly transcendent experience, especially after your grand entrance last night.”

You raised your eyebrow at her, “grand entrance? What are you talking about?” As Amber recounted the events from last night, a feeling of unease started to build within you.

These people seriously think I’m their god? I’m not Jesus, I can’t turn water into wine or walk on water. What exactly do these people expect from me? You feel a wave of nausea as a thought occurs to you;

If the people of MY world started wars, witch-hunts and crusades in the name of their God, what horrors have the people of Tevyat done in MY name?  

A grim expression fell upon your face but you quickly changed it as Amber finished her recountement. She smiled and pointed at the building a couple feet away.

“Here we are, the headquarters for the Knights of Favonius! Let’s get you some clothes and shoes and then you can meet the rest of the knights.”

You nodded your head weakly and approached the distinguished building.


Whether you decided to wear the knight of Favonius black dress or their black shirt and slacks, the clothes fit you perfectly and the boots were surprisingly comfortable. Fixing your hair in the style you wanted, you left the changing room and Amber escorted you to the office of the Acting Grand Master. Amber gave you a charming smile and led you through the door.

The first person you greet is….

  • Kaeya

When Kaeya Alberich was a child, he had his doubts about the existence of the Divine Creator. If the Creator was as kind and as merciful as the legends made her to be then why has she let the descendents of Khaenri'ah suffer as they did? For even though The Cataclysm happened 500 hundred years ago, the descendents of the fallen civilization lived in squalor, fighting for survival. But just as he has seen great suffering inflicted by one another, he also saw man’s capacity for love and goodness as seen living with his brother, Diluc and late father Crepus. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that people were responsible for their own actions and he couldn’t place ALL the blame on the gods’ shoulders.

Truth be told, he really didn’t feel the Creator’s presence until that fateful stormy night when he received his vision. The weight of his lies was suffocating but as he held his cryo vision, he felt another presence within him. A small wisp of a feeling that gave him comfort and for the first time in a long time, he felt free. On days when the loneliness and burden of his lies felt too heavy for him to bear, he looked to his Divine Creator for solace.  

When you and Kaeya made eye contact, you gave him a wide smile that made your eyes crinkle and you stretched out your hand to shake his. But instead of shaking your hand as you thought he would, he took your hand up to his lips and kissed it, his sharp periwinkle eye never leaving yours. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and you smiled bashfully as you took your hand back and cradled it with your other hand to your chest.

Well, that’s adorable. Kaeya thought to himself as he playfully smirked.
“Your highness, even in that drab Favonius uniform you look absolutely resplendent. It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.”

You returned the expression in kind, “I’m sure you tell that to all the pretty boys and girls but the feeling’s mutual, Kaeya.”

“Oh no, I would never. I only have eyes for you. Say, have you eaten yet? When you’re done here, I know a fantastic little hole in the wall that has the most delectable wine. What do you say, just the two of us?”

With the blush still painted on your cheeks, you smiled, “that sounds wonderful.”

And so, as the two of you flirted back and forth. Your attention completely glued on Kaeya, you missed the vicious and jealous glares the cavalry captain was receiving from the other knights in the room.  

  • Albedo

When Albedo heard the news of your impending arrival from his colleague, Mona, he found himself rereading his old master’s notes about the Divine Creator. His master was always tight-lipped about her and many years ago when they were venturing into a particularly deep domain, he asked Rhinedottir why she was so reserved about disclosing information about the Creator. Gold in response gave him a chilling stare and said nothing. The Goddess Above and Gold clearly have a history and a painful one at that, the Chalk Prince surmised. And if he had to guess, it most likely had to do with the destruction of Khaenri'ah and the Art of Khemia.

The day Albedo received his vision was the day that finally understood why his master never spoke of The Goddess Above. It was a cold day like any other in Dragonspine and he was knee deep into his research when he saw something glowing in his periphery. It was a geo vision and as he touched it, he felt a tidal wave of emotion wash over him. For a man who rarely feels anything, the Divine presence of your warmth overwhelmed him.

This must be the reason why Rhinedottir never spoke of you, the alchemist reflected as he inspected his vision. She was protecting you by keeping me from the truth because if I hadn’t received this vision, I might’ve stopped at nothing from learning the truth of this world even if it meant your demise, dear Creator.

Your constant presence in Albedo’s life gave him the reassurance that he was on the right path and the feeling of enlightenment he derives from you has pushed him forward in his quest to know the unknown.

When the two of you lock eyes, he’s suddenly transported back to that day he got his vision. Overwhelmed once again by you, making him speechless.

You gave him a gentle smile and a wave, “hello, you must be Albedo. It’s so nice to meet you, I’m…” You told him your sacred name that only the people in this room have now learned. Like Amber, he was honored and learning your name gave him the jolt he needed to finally find the words to speak to you.

“Your Grace, it is an honor to finally meet you as well. The display of your power last night was truly a sight to behold.” The chief alchemist said in his trademark soft voice.

You chuckled nervously and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “that is high praise coming from you, thank you. You know, Amber and I saw Dragonspine as we traveled over here, that’s where your lab is isn’t it?”

The Kreideprinz nodded his head. He was impressed that you knew that and he wonders what else you knew of him and this world. “That is correct and if you like, I could give you a tour sometime when you’re free.”

Your eyes lit up in excitement and you beamed at him as you clasped your hands together. “That would be wonderful! I can’t wait to see it!”

Seeing you so enthusiastic about him gave him butterflies in his stomach and it was here that he knew that with you by his side, he could finally unlock the truth and meaning of this world.
