#ambrose kim



just one date.

mind blind — ambrose kim x f!button (gracie wiseman) | (but mainly platonic nick wiseman x grayson black) | rated T for language | 1198 words | cw for profanity & alcohol.

Nick Wiseman wilts into his malt whiskey. “This is a goddamn nightmare.”


“I’m serious. The end is nigh.”

“I know.”

“This is like … it’s a calamity. A cataclysm. This is my fucking Ragnarök, Grayson.”

Gray sighs, beer in one hand, head in the other. “Wow. You’re really breaking open the thesaurus for this, aren’t you?”

Nick glares up at him, appearing about a decade older than he did not two hours ago, back at Unity before he’d first caught wind of the terrible news. “I want to break open something with a thesaurus,” he mutters. “Preferably Kim’s thick, delusional skull.”

“You don’t mean that,” Gray says.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Nick snorts. “A thesaurus isn’t heavy enough. Rookie mistake. You know, I think Gracie still has that old Miss Marple collection back home. Hardcover, leather-bound, four thousand pages, give or take. That should get the job done.”

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