#anchovy heaven


Recipe #111 - Anchovy Heaven

I know people are probably thinking “Just a caesar salad?” but, no, this actually took me almost 2.5 hours to make. Not a difficult 2.5 hours, but just a lot of time to devote to a salad. In the end I think it was worth it.

The most time consuming part of this recipe was definitely the dressing. As the dish’s name suggests, and in case you didn’t know the main ingredient in caesar dressing is anchovies. This was actually my first time working with anchovies and, although they definitely looked pretty nasty before I mashed them into a pulp, they actually smelled and tasted really good. It was interesting to see all that goes into making that caesar flavor (I didn’t expect the egg yolks).

The chicken and the croutons took very little time to prepare. Both were basically two steps: toss in seasoning and cook/bake. The chicken came out very juicy so I made a mental note to use that technique again (1.5 tbsp veggie oil > don’t flip for 5 min > flip > add 1 tbsp butter to pan > 5 more minutes > done!) The croutons were, of course, amazing, but I’m convinced it’s impossible to ruin croutons so I’m not going to toot my own horn too much.

Recipe for the chicken:

Here is my source

-3 tablespoons vegetable oil

-1 lb boneless chicken breast

-salt and pepper

-½ tsp garlic powder

-½ tsp onion powder

-½ tsp dried basil

-½ tsp paprika

-2 tbsp butter

Recipe for everything else:

Here is my source

-6 anchovy fillets

-1 small garlic clove

-salt and pepper

-2 large egg yolks

-2 tbsp lemon juice

-¾ tsp dijon mustard

-5 tbsp olive oil

-½ cup vegetable oil

-3 tbsp finely grated parmesan

-3 cups bread pieces

-3 romaine hearts

Glad to get another salad on my blog. I think I can count all the ones I’ve made so far on one hand. Random side note: I’m realizing that this is a very non-vegan salad with there being eggs, fish, AND cheese in the dressing. I bet a vegan caesar dressing would make for an interesting challenge. Anyway, until next time, clue crew.

Recipe 111 - Anchovy Heaven

This recipe is yet another meal pulled from Wickford Castle’s menu in Treasure in a Royal Tower. The five other menu items I’ve made so far can be found here,here,here,hereandhere.

Probably the healthiest option at Wickford, this is a simple caesar (hardest name to spell) salad with some garlicky croutons. The game didn’t specify whether or not it comes with chicken, but I wanted that extra kick of protein. I’ve never like caesar salad, I’ve always thought it was one of the more boring salads, but I knew this was going to taste good because when every component is homemade, it’s a different story. This was salty, creamy, crunchy and delicious. I think the croutons are actually the MVP; which is fitting because they’re a selling point in the in-game menu.

I would definitely consider making this again in a big batch because it’s so easy to assemble for a quick meal. Plus, I could definitely use the greens.

(P.S. Shout out to remove.bg. I’ve been manually editing out the backgrounds of these images for years now and it always takes at least an hour. Using that website saved me so much time! Honestly, a game changer.)
