#and a lot more





the more time that passes between the last big transformers hit that had ppl posting frequently and the next the funnier fandom space gets. it slowly whittles down to only the most obsessive with extreme niches. everyone left on tumblr is like The X Person. thats the drift person. thats the zeta prime person. thats the idiot that wrote 48 cywhirlgate fanfics. thats the one with the seals. and there reaches a criticality point where everyone is forced to know each other even if you dont like each other because no one else is posting so whether you give a shit about zeta prime or not you are GOING to see that goddamn meta

i hope i am not just a blog to the transformers fandom, but also, that at least a few people see me posting and immediately go ‘oh is that fucker talking about [x] again’. which Thing TM [x] is here probably depends on the day but i just want people to have that moment, you know. i have few goals in life and this one at least seems achievable i think.

shoutout to all my fellow crabs still at the bottom of this bucket
