#and a nice adjustable office chair






if only there was a way to stop my back pain

(this is me btw)

iirc there are no scientific studies that have shown a link between posture and back pain, and some evidence that what is usually considered “good posture” can cause it, esp. if it’s forced. “good posture” as a concept originates in weird victorian pseudoscience. unless you’re doing something that actually causes pain in the moment or have, like, an injury that shows up on X ray, you’re probably not giving yourself back problems.

Whoa! Important if true. Do you have any recommended reading on this? As someone with terrible posture, a bad ergonomic environment, and occasional back pain, this is Relevant To My Interests.

As someone in the same boat, nothing is more sure to give me back pain than trying to hold a specific posture for a long time, even if it’s a “good” posture. My anecdotal advice is “move around”. Not in the sense of getting up and walking around (though that’s good too), but just move around in your chair. 

Regardless of if a posture is “good” or “bad”, don’t hold it for too long. If you’ve been hunched for while, by all means, sit up straight. But if you’ve been sitting straight for a while, try leaning back or sitting askew or, yes, even hunching over.
