#and also i like my tpoh books so i wanted another one


Been a hot minute since I’ve drawn RGB (I had massive burn-out, flitting focus, and was in a really weird mood for the couple months. Probably still in a weird mood rn, but I got the rest of the summer to relaaaaaxxxxx my brain hole. college be like thaaaaat). Still easing my way into drawing after my weird break.

tl;dr of below - Hey newbies, TPoH is really good, and modmad, the creator, is doing a fundraiser to print book 3 for the comic, and also has a stretch goal for their prose book, drawn by a different cool individual furiouskettle. Details on mod’s pinned post.

If you want to read my incessant rambling and boosting, read below. My thoughts are very good and very valid, and also I just like TPoH. I just may not draw it as much as I used to.

btw, since it’s been a hot minute since I’ve last mentioned tpoh and there’s some new folks, may I highly recommend TPoH, aka The Property of Hate? It’s a webcomic ran by @/modmad* and it’s umm, yeah I don’t actually know how to describe it besides story writing in the a literal sense (filled with visual puns, we love to see those GET IT), weird af, but incredibly endearing with wonderful characters, fantastical world, and good vibes. Just type tpoh into google, and it should come up under “Jolley Comics” and will be the middle square on the site. Not a virus beyond infecting my brain like a god damn brain worm for the past 2 years. All in good fun :D

I mention this because modmad is currently running a fundraiser to print the 3rd book for the comic, which consists of chapters “Click, Shopping~, Ah.” (you know if you know), and hey, why not give a boosty boost to a comic I find incredibly endearing, support the artist (who also writes other good comics. you should check ‘em out. got some cool vibes and cool comics. largely ducks) and also I drew like a metric fk ton of tpoh in the past 2 years, so yeah, I’m boosting. May draw Click because looking at things right now, there’s a whole lotta bastard boy. Details on their fundraiser is on the pinned post on their blog.

Oh yeah, before I forget, there’s a stretch goal for mod to also print their prose book, which is illustrated by @/furiouskettle, very good stuff from both parties.

*No I will not, and will (probably) never @ people even though I don’t mind if people @/ing me. I have a double standard, and it’s very dumb.
