#and an army doctor




I think Sherlockians should take a new tack. No more demanding the Johnlock we’re still due. I need to know more about the REAL sister.


I demand answers.

In the Canon Harry is a brother. The mirror par excellence. Died alcoholic and full of debt, Watson also has similar tendencies, certainly when it comes to betting. Harry is what could have happened to Watson if he hadn’t met Holmes.
Harry “sister” works the same way (x). Shortly married, alcoholic. We see John drinking after his marriage ends. But the difference here is that Harry is homosexual. It would seem to tell us the story of John’s sexuality, and it is linked into the doctor / soldier dichotomy. It has already been pointed out that the doctor appears to conform to the heterosexual side while the soldier to the homosexual side. We know John as a doctor, but we know that he has just ended his life as a soldier. It will not be over a marriage, but a relationship? possible (Sholto I see you). Harry is not suggested as a happy and resolved character. John’s sexuality is still blocked, the homosexual part of him is still blocked, in fact we never see it/her. One thing is certain, we certainly don’t see it/her at Mary’s wedding.

First of all: YES! @helloliriels I wholeheartedly agree! Give us Harry, we want to understand John Watson!

And second: @raggedyblue Very interesting what you said about the dichotomy of John’s doctor/soldier persona. Most of all his doctor part being linked to his heterosexuality. It made me think of a post by @gosherlocked (from quite a long time ago) about John’s character in S4, “John is not a doctor anymore”(x) . As the name already says, it’s about John behaving not very doctor-like throughout the entirety of series 4. On the contrary, it’s as if he has forgotten all about his profession.

If we combine both of those observations it would lead to the conclusion: John in S4=not a doctor=not heterosexual.

Is it as simple as that?
