#and don’t worry about the mini-hiatus



➳♥ 01. curiosity killed the cat


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➳♥  01. curiosity killed the cat


➳♥taglist: OPEN

Notes:Shoto wasted no time finding another date for y/n, he is very eager to show ochacko and deku up 

Notes:y/n, deku, and kirishima have a separate group chat where they all had a manly cry about bakugo’s good morning

Notes:bakugo and y/n have lunch together basically everyday, even when she’s working with deku’s agency. He has a habit of showing up wherever y/n is for lunch, it’s been their thing since their days at UA!

Notes:bakugo also definitely was not impressed hearing y/n had another blind date, his secretary quickly left his desk in front of his office as he could hear the beginnings of mini explosions and knew he was probably talking to y/n, or someone on the bakusquad

Notes:bakugo is that friend who will expect an “I’m home” text from whoever he was hanging out with and this is especially enforced with y/n. he most definitely almost blew off her front door after she forgot to let him know she got home safely and ditched the guy mid date- she has never forgotten to text him since

Notes:Shoto does have a plan, Shindo was not the date he set up- well he did- but he had a good reason

Notes:You know what they say about curiosity and the cat…

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A/N- hello hello friends! I am back! Though I did not intend to take such a long break , I’m sorry for the lack of updates and lack of communication! I swear I am still here, the past few months have just been a bit of a struggle with myself and have had a hard time making updates and doing writing in general. I do have a lot of drafts though that I am very excited to share! The Hawks SMAU is next on my list, (maybe I do have an Atsumu SMAU that I’ve been dying to post! ) all I have are the notes and the last panel needs to be written and I will update that as soon as I finish- which I swear will not take months lol. I’m getting back into the groove and I am trying to get myself to stay there, and not burn myself out again! Which I did back in high school where all I did was pump out updates on wattpad (which I dislike now and refuse to use) and fanfiction.net!

Thank you for reading and sticking with me through all of this! I appreciate all of you and I hope to get as many updates out as soon as possible for you guys!

until next time! 

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If your name is missing please let me know! If your name has a strike through it, I wasn’t able to tag you! Tagging may be off on your account or I may have spelled it wrong bc I’m dumb sometimes lol so please let me know! if you’ve had a username change, please me know as well and I’ll update the taglist if you still wish to be on it! If you want to be taken off it, I totally understand! Just let me know :)
