#and every time i forget just how bad he is



Dean Domino is actually really great narrative design, especially if you manage to befriend him, because the revelation that he’s a massive piece of shit aligns with the moment where you have to decide to kill or spare him. Like, those things take place simultaneously.

You’re running through the Tampico, gradually piecing together the past and realizing that Dean is a deeply, deeply evil man, but he’s shouting encouragement at you through the wall the entire time. He’s beaming down at you from the stairwell and calling you “partner,” applauding you both for how well you work together as a team. And then he tells you the whole disgusting story, but it doesn’t seem to have entered his head that you would view him any differently, because this is the moment where he’s come to fully trust you.

You spend the entire DLC gradually concluding that this guy isn’t so bad, really, only for him to demonstrate in the final fucking act that he’s worse than you ever imagined. And then you have to decide whether you’ve got it in you to execute a man who has done unforgivable things, but has let down his guard because he thinks you’re his friend.
