#and have my chest hurt all over



See Clearer

A lesson in self-love. Jaskier helps Geralt see something.

(general, 1.6k, read on AO3)

Geralt cannot find his glasses again.

It must be the eighth time this week, and he’s getting frustrated. Ever since Jaskier has convinced him to purchase these blasted devices from that eye healer who is not even a healer, he’s spent half of his reading time looking for it instead of having it aid his reading, as it’s supposed to.

“Make it for people with trouble seeing,” he mutters under his breaths while turning over all the blankets on their bed, “but, of course, make it fucking invisible.”

Geralt clenches his teeth and considers cursing a pair of glasses that has the audacity to be made of actual glass.

The bed is a mess, and he’s turned over every corner. Still, there’s no trace of it. He stares at nothing for a second, doubting his reality. In the end, he admits defeat and finds Jaskier in the living room, who is busy fussing over a new painting at his desk.

“Have you seen my glasses?”

Jaskier’s eyes are fixed on the painting, his fingers smoothing down the wooden frame. He’s not even looking up. “Have you checked your pocket?”

“Yes, I’ve checked my pocket.” Geralt is not growling. He’s not. He’d get made fun of for growling in their home.

“And your head?”

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