#and he did



i do wonder if people don’t see these examples as tommy using his body as a tool (and in this case pretty coerced) because he doesn’t… protest. and his actual experience of the sex is ‘normal’ enough. but there are signs if you look for them. with tatiana it was him putting the nail in the tyre 'so neither of us can change our minds.’ with jessie eden it’s the calculated way he approaches the whole thing and the sort of dissociated way he lays there afterwards. with Diana it’s the way he tries to get something good from her before hand (the housing thing) and then his expressionlessness when she strips all the artifice away, and then of course his reaction afterwards.

and probably a big part of this is we’re not used to looking at het men this way especially when they’re having sex with women – there’s this idea that het men always want sex, that tommy’s just a horndog steven knight power fantasy who has sex with every female character, etc.

but if you really look at these examples in context… yeah.

The Punisher (2004) #14


Idris elba really went into that recording booth and was like “im gonna deliver the single greatest vocal performance of the century as knuckles the echidna”





Basel Zoo, Switzerland



Oh they look so pleased with themselves at the end. 


Alright Mika, enough chit chat, now sing Grace Kelly.


I would like to thank whichever genius casting person for CQL looked at Wang Zhuocheng, sunny, wide-eyed musical theatre student wrapping up his degree, and thought, “Hm. It’s great that he can look adorable, we can use that, but actually I bet this guy could play an absolute BITCH”
