#and i dont like it



To any other teachers out there that have just listened to the same disgusting Tory news update that I have, I am so sorry.

I’m not shocked that the government doesn’t care about about teachers, because let’s be honest when have they ever? But this is ridiculous.

Stating that the earliest phase of sending children back will begin after half term and that includes Reception (4/5 year olds) Year 1 and Year 6 is absolutely diabolical.

I’d like to see Boris Johnson, or any of his associates try to social distance with children of these ages… it is not physically possible.

And while we’re on the topic… just a friendly reminder that a lot of teachers (including myself) have still been in schools the last two months looking after the vulnerable/special needs and key worker children with NO PPE whatsoever.

I miss the children I teach everyday… my job is a vocation and I love it but we are real people too, we have family members we can’t see incase we pass it on… we have to deal with enough emotional strain as it is right now without sending us back without the right equipment and support.

So basically, fuck you Boris and your Tory money grabbing government… you’ve blood on your hands.

It took me far too long to realise that the reason the first phase of opening schools is for primary kids- whose guardians won’t be able to socially distance, spread germs a lot as it is and who can probably catch up on things well enough from home and even enjoy time with their parents- instead of secondary school students-who can in most cases get themselves to school and need to be there because exams are coming up and they shouldn’t have to teach themselves their damn GCSEs- is to force teachers to act as childcare so that parents can be pushed back into unsafe working environments sooner. So we just gonna risk all these lives for money huh Boris


i can’t fucking navigate the crystarium

This was the second of two mock trial runs (forgot to film the first one) where Marceline was great! I also practiced my ring routine and that also went really well. I feel a lot more confident about tomorrow.

This is my little set-up for when I’m not at the table as scribe. Hopefully tomorrow goes as smoothly as tonight did!



@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?

actually writing the fic down


but when jo march said “i’m so sick of people saying love is all a woman is fit for! i am so sick of it! but i’m so lonely!”
