#and i finally finished it


Fall hits different

PairingRise!Donnie x GN!Reader!

SummaryYou arrange the laziest of dates for your drowsy lover.

Warning Beware the cavities, this is nothing but domestic fluff-

You sat on the table, staring down at the pizza you’d just placed inside the oven. It was surprisingly quiet inside your apartment, but you could thank that to the downpour that had managed to mute the hectic traffic going on on the streets. A playlist you and Donnie shared was playing low in the background, allowing you to listen as the drops hit against the window.

As you turned your head to stare out into the busy city through the glass, you couldn’t help but feel a little concerned. Would he be okay? It was way past 9 at night and fall had settled all over New York, engulfing the entire city in its sharper chill, which you knew he was more sensitive to.

When temperature dropped, Donnie became lazier, clingier and overall grumpier until he became used to the forsaken season change.

Immediately after you’d arrived from work earlier that same afternoon, you texted him to let him know that you’d managed to get home safely. Friday night often brought out the beast on other people and seeing as how the day had become much shorter, him knowing what kind of creeps lurked in the streets from his vigilante activities, had asked you to let him know you were still alive.

The lack of emojis and the amount of sass in his replies had been a clear tell for you, your lover was in a foul mood.

‘Pizza and movies in my place? at 10?’

His answer was a purple heart, which made you giggle to yourself because that was his staple answer, which could be translated as ‘I love you so much, I just don’t know how to express it’.

You mumbled to yourself, hopping off the dining table and walking towards your room, “his battle shell may be water-proof, but heisn’t.”

Preparing something for him to change into, should he want to do so, you grabbed a fluffy towel and your favorite oversized hoodie, which in all honesty was his, you’d just claimed ownership over it because it smelled like him. You then turned on the towel warmer in your bathroom and hung both items so that they’d be cozy when he arrived.

Taking your place in the kitchen once more, you went back to stare as dinner was cooked. Sniffing the air, you could smell both the cheesy goodness, as well as the ozone the rain brought with it.

Both of them reminded you of him.

You hooked your feet together and swung them back and forth gently, reaching for your phone.

As if on cue, you received an incoming call from him, so you tapped decline and trotted back into your bedroom.

Donnie was standing on the firescape, wearing his signature scowl, to which you couldn’t help but smile.

He was so precious when he was feeling grouchy.

Immediately after you unlocked your window, he came crashing down on you, wrapping both his arms around your shorter frame, burying his cold as hell beak into the crook of your neck. You heard a grumble, but couldn’t make out whatever he’d meant to say, so you held on to him and patted his head, then spoke softly.

“You’re wet and cold.”

“No shit, Sherlock.”


The sass.

“Pizza will be ready in a little while, want to change into something more comfortable?”

He nodded his head, hiding his face further and tightening his hold on you.

Oh the cold had hit him hard. You were most likely going to be the big spoon for a few days until he got used to it.

“Stay there, I’ll be right back.”

Donnie crossed his arms and watched frowning you as you stepped out of the room, only to drop his aloof posture as you came back, holding on to the items you’d arranged to be much warmer for him.

You two had barely been dating for nearly three months, despite having known eachother since your late teens, but his chest always fluttered when you did stuff like that for him.

He dried himself slowly, bashfully, doing his best not to scowl out of embarrassment and overwhelming affection for you. The poor softshell still wasn’t used to being so emotionally vulnerable.

But he did try.

For you.

When the hoodie was on him, you held on to the sleeves and pulled so that he would follow you back into the kitchen.

You leaned against the table, joined by him as he decided to sit over the surface, hunching slightly forward.

“How’d your day go?” he spoke softly, leaning gently against you.

“Slow and uneventful,” you sighed then leaned back into him, bringing your elbow to rest on his thigh, “but I got lots of work done so I won’t have to stress over it piling for a while.”

You felt as his arm came around your waist, pulling you even closer to him.

“That’s good, you were close to messing up your sleeping schedule.”

Snorting, you pinched his thigh in order to tickle him, pulling a surprised yelp from the genius.

“Look who’s talking.”

Try as he might, he couldn’t keep the heat in his cheeks at bay, “I hate it when you do that.”

“Did you find out what the issue was with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s glitches?” you’d decided to ignore his complaint.

“The charging station was malfunctioning and that happened to mess with his coding.”

“So he was salty because he wasn’t sleeping well enough?”

He looked at you, eyes open wide in amusement. Before Donnie could come up with any sort of response, the oven went off.

“Dinner’s ready!” you patted his thigh.

Seeing as how his mood had appeared to have brightened slightly, you decided to insist he relaxed on the couch and let you get your food ready for a film marathon. When Donnie overworked himself during this time, the least thing you wanted was for him to do any unnecessary work.

“Besides, it’s supposed to be my treat, I’ll be there in a moment so you just relax okay?” pushing him down to sit despite his grumbling, you pressed on, “pick a few movies for us to watch,” then kissed his cheek.

When you went back into the living room holding on the tray, a couple napkins hanging off your shoulder, you found your partner curled up into a blanket, scrolling through his timeline as a movie stuck paused in the wall-mounted screen. From what you could tell, he had gone with Marvel.

Without sparing you a glance, you watched as he extended his arms, holding on to the cozy sheet over his shoulders as if it were some sort of cape.

He was inviting you to nuzzle up to him.

After setting your dinner on the coffee table you moved so that it would be closer and easier to reach for, Donnie placed his arms around your middle, bringing you to sit in between his parted legs, your back pressed against his chest.

Just as you expected, the movie became background noise after you were done eating and both of your phones had been discarded. Yours was on the ground and his had most likely slipped inside and through the couch’s cushions.

Somehow, you ended up laying on your back, your head over the armrest as Donnie laid sprawled over your entire form, his face hidden in your neck. He’d given up on trying to conceal his churring a little over an hour ago.

You toyed with the short tails on his mask, flipping and poking them.

“You always get so cuddly when you’re cold,” you chuckled fondly, feeling as he tightened his hold around your waist, curling up further into you.

“Shuddup,” he snapped half muffled from having his lips pressed on your neck, tickling you in the process.

“Will you want me to play another movie when this one is over?”

“Will you have to get up?”

Scanning in search for the remote, you saw it had ended up farther away than you expected. As you tested whether you’d be able to reach it in your current position, you found that you could not by a couple inches.

“Yeah, that seems to be the case,” you bit the inside of your cheek, knowing what his answer would be.

“Then don’t.”

You didn’t know how he did it, but Donnie managed to meld both of your bodies over the sofa, almost as if the two of you were a single lovecraftian creature.

To your surprise, he rose up to his elbows.

As you opened your lips to take in a short breath, meaning to ask if something was wrong, his lips came down to press against yours.

It was rushed and quite clumsy, you two hadn’t shared anything other than chaste pecks before. Touch-starved as he was, Donnie was still hostage to many insecurities, some of which included the thought of him not being ‘good enough’ for you.

So you were patient, going as far as he was willing to take it because you were the most experienced one in the relationship and he was still learning where his boundaries laid at.

Kissing him back very gently, you thought he would pull away and lay back down as he’d done previously.

Instead, Donnie chased back after your lips immediately after parting, brushing your pout slowly but with much more intent than he’d ever applied. It definitely caught you by surprise, especially the soft moan he breathed when you finally reacted and reciprocated him.

It wasn’t like you were complaining.

After a short while, he did stop for good, hiding his blushy mess of a mug into your neck once more. You just smiled and held back a chuckle, lest he feel like you were making fun of him.

However, as Donnie began feathering small kisses along your neck, you giggled wrapping both your arms and legs around him, clinging to his body like a koala.

“You’re silly,” you stated as he rose up to kneel, bringing you up with him.

“Shut up…”
