#and i love this way of looking at it



I love how Serizawa’s technique is using his ability through objects, that’s so badass. First the umbrella and now the business cards that he got from Reigen. Perhaps the difference between the business card and the umbrella can show some symbolism hmmm… rubs chin. The umbrella was specifically given to Serizawa to shelter him, he RELIED on it completely to the point he panicked heavily without it. The business card is not only much smaller, but it serves as a reminder that he is his own person (name on it and all) and that the job at Spirits and Such was something he probably joined more on his own terms rather than CLAW, which was something that he saw more as his ONLY option— a way out. The business card isn’t meant to be something to be relied on, it’s meant to feel more empowering and be used when he WANTS to use it. And from observation of the trailer, he does only use it sometimes. In simple terms, amidst my rambling, the business card ™️ is something of symbolism to show that he is his own person and can do what he wants now, much more than he ever could when he was in CLAW
