#and i need them right now



no one: monica do you have any more thoughts about pete being actually a bit fucked up?

me: OH BOY DO I. let me take out my notes. see, the thing is.. i still want pete to be the funny and friendly guy who parades around his room winnie the pooh style, but i also want him to have a dark side that can coexist with that. i want the oblivious innocent baby to be a mask he puts on for the sake of others. i want everyone to believe pete is innocuous and unassuming, but only because that’s what pete wants them to believe he is: still capable to do his job, mind you, but all in all.. pretty harmless. and i want VEGAS to believe that as well, only to then realize that he has been played too. i want pete to fall into vegas’ darkness with his eyes wide open, seeing and knowing that darkness for what it is, but i want vegas to get trapped into pete’s without realizing it, because he didn’t know that darkness was there to begin with, because he didn’t SEE it until he found himself ensnared in it. i want people to look at pete in the midst of all the other bodyguards from the minor family and wonder if vegas lost his mind. i want them to see pete stopping vegas from taking out his little torture case and say that vegas went soft. i want vegas to hear all of this and smile, elated and sharklike, because none of them KNOWS. i want people to beg pete for mercy because he IS capable of it, and he WILL give it to you when vegas wouldn’t, but no one should take that mercy for granted. i want someone to fuck up one too many times and walk up to pete expecting to crack a joke and be forgiven again, except this time pete isn’t smiling anymore. i want the poor bastard to scream for mercy as vegas tortures him and then to see the look in pete’s eyes as he watches the scene impassively and realize in horror that no amount of begging will make pete stop vegas now. i want someone to be foolish enough to kidnap and drug and hurt VEGAS (imagine pulling that off) and pete to go save him leaving a trail of blood and bodies and destruction in his wake, because vegas is his as much as he is vegas’ and no one is allowed to take him from pete. i want people to make the mistake to underestimate pete once and never getting the chance to do that again
