#and i was like no i have enough of it thanks




not every hobby is a special interest. not every interest is a hyperfixation. not every time you have trouble doing something is executive dysfunction. stop misusing terminology stop pathologising every aspect of your life

every offended person in the notes like “i actually have adhd so how dare you tell me to xyz” bestie this is not about you. this is about the ppl who went from saying “omg i hate messy people im so ocd” to “omg this show is such a hyperfixation of mine”. if this makes you uncomfortable either work on your reading comprehension or think hard abt why the idea of something not being a Symptom is so unpleasant to you

This. Remember mislabelling things using ND terms if you’re NT adds to the stigma of those disabilities. If you have a lazy day, (Perfecly fine and valid, glad you’re taking care of yourself) you still have executive function. You don’t have a disability that causes ongoing executive dysfunction. Making it seem like you do promotes the idea that you can just turn function on and off willingly, and thus makes it seem as if people with ADHD, Autism, etc, are choosing to not do the things they want/need to, which feeds into the negative stereotype of us being lazy, rather than having a disability we can’t control. For every term that you missuse, it is going to create more stigma for the people who actually deals with those symptoms.They’re symptoms, not new trend words, so please don’t use them unless you are ND and you do actually struggle with them.
