#and if were doing that then we might as well also say


having the provincial disability income decoupled from the cost of living is really screwing me right now

grumpy rant below

i want to move, i need to move—as it is, i cannot leave my apartment without someone to help me down and carry my walker—but two people on fixed in come means none of the newly-available apartments are practically feasible, not if we want to ever be able to more away from renting and build our own damn equity
we’re currently spending all but ~300$ of our income every month, and the rent increase between our current suite and one on the ground floor in another building within our complex so that i can, yanno, leave the house for a walk if i want, is 275$
add to that lovely situation that Mew is slowly losing the physical ability to do what little part-time work he does, and suddenly we’re looking at an income loss of >1k/month—meaning that we could be unable to pay rent

we’re not big frivolous spenders, hell, the largest of our expenses after rent is food; i have to eat GF and we’re trying to avoid me putting on any more weight, in an attempt to keep my (limited) mobility, so there’s as much fresh stuff as we can manage—and that my body will let me cook. yes, we have massive ‘fuck off’ custom gaming rigs, but that’s honestly a sanity thing (being trapped in a <2000sqft apartment for months is stressful, okay?), plus Mew built his years ago (before we lived together years ago) and the only upgrades to hardware came about due to an insurance payout after a bad power outage a couple years back. my ‘good’ monitor is his old one, and it flirts with dying every once in a while.

sitting down and looking at the numbers…i’ll just leave this with the name of our household cash flow database that he built earlier this evening. it sums it up nicely
