#and im not familiar with the fandom mentioned





Casual fandom biphobia, examples:

- calling a canon bi m/f couple “bihet” and saying it’s not a bi rep if they end up in m/f relationship.

- headcanoning a female character who dated multiple men as “lesbian” and undermining her canon relatioships, saying she only dated men because of comphet.

- saying that shipping a canon bisexual female character with men is a “wlw erasure”.

- telling people they can’t headcanon wlw/mlm characters as bi even though they do exactly the same for mlw characters.

New one I’ve noticed:

- After a character is explicitly and specifically confirmed as bisexual, refusing to ever call them “bi” or “bi rep” and literally only ever calling them “wlw” or “wlw rep”

Literally saw multiple Amphibia fans on tiktok harassing people who headcanon Sasha as transmasc in any way and calling them “problematic” because “she’s wlw” and “it’s erasing wlw rep”, even though Sasha is not some nebulous “wlw”, she’s explicitly bisexual, the show’s creators use the word bisexual, Sasha has a bi flag in the show, and Sasha would still be equally bisexual no matter what gender she was. Obviously that example is transphobic as much as it’s biphobic, but the absolute refusal to call her bi even when talking about what kind of queer rep she is and basically just treating her as a lesbian is weird to say the least.
