#and im right


Talking to my wife about ridiculous egotistical brags that we genuinely kind of believe, and I’ve settled firmly in the belief that I could radicalize Light Yagami against anything. Literally anything. I am completely dead certain that I could manipulate him into radicalizing against whatever of my choice. He wouldn’t see me see me as a threat, or even a human being really, and thus would have absolutely no defenses against me absolutely inundating him with radical propaganda, and he would simply accept it as having come from the atmosphere. Overheard NPC dialogue. He can’t fact check it because he can’t remember where he heard it from. And if I keep doing this often enough, he will start to mistake these ideas as his own. Light Yagami has too much of an ego, he would be SO susceptible to propaganda. Propaganda effects people who think they’re immune to propaganda more than anyone. And he believes he’s immune to everything. So as long as it sounds mostly right, and isn’t too suspicious, he’ll just accept it as his own thoughts. And then will start indiscriminately murdering whatever group I radicalized him against. I could convince Light Yagami to make the Down With Cis bus a reality. I firmly believe this. I think it would be easy. I think if Light Yagami had any social media someone would have done this to him already.


gearing up to be a huge bitch about every outfit at the met gala
