#and it was also terribly sad

books read in 2016 - 2017: burning patience by antonio skarmeta“To conclude, I want to say to all mebooks read in 2016 - 2017: burning patience by antonio skarmeta“To conclude, I want to say to all mebooks read in 2016 - 2017: burning patience by antonio skarmeta“To conclude, I want to say to all mebooks read in 2016 - 2017: burning patience by antonio skarmeta“To conclude, I want to say to all mebooks read in 2016 - 2017: burning patience by antonio skarmeta“To conclude, I want to say to all me

books read in 2016 - 2017: burning patience by antonio skarmeta

“To conclude, I want to say to all men of good faith, to the workers, and to the poets, that the entire future was expressed by Rimbaud in that one sentence: only with burning patience shall we conquer the splendid city that will give light, justice, and dignity to all men.

Thus poetry will not have sung in vain.”

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