#and it was so stressed





hi hello so I might sound uninformed now but truth is I know very little about sharks so, people who know more than I do, what are your thoughts on sharks in captivity ?

I am no expert either, but it is my understanding that some smaller species of shark actually thrive in captivity. The larger species are the ones I try to look out for when judging aquariums, as they tend to be less suited for the life of a captive animal.

caongtrynottodrown do either of you have any more information on this? You two are my go to shark informants! :)

I want go-to shark informant to be my legacy on this website!

Anyway, you’re right about size - most small shark species such as reef and cat sharks actually do very well in captive environment provided they’re cared for properly. I’m always a bit iffy about home aquaria which feature sharks, but proper aquariums usually do a good job of meeting their needs. The main issues with small sharks is wild collection, which is again mainly driven by home aquaria. This is probably going to sound a bit like I’m shitting on aquarists when I’m not, but I’ve seen far too many cases where an animal has suffered or died as a result of living in an unsuitable environment. With public aquaria, petting pools featuring small sharks are worryingly popular. Whilst you’re not likely to lose any fingers petting a shark pup, it’s still an enormous amount of stress for the shark and exposes them to all the things on human hands - diseases, chemicals from soaps and stuff like that.

Most larger sharks live quite migratory lifestyles, which is the root of their issues in captivity. Of course, being big and impressive and beautiful makes them big draws for aquariums, and therefore targets for fisheries. The simple fact of the matter is that we just can’t provide for these animals in captivity. They’re too big, and they spend basically their entire lives on the move in an environment which is far too large and too complex for us to properly replicate. Whale sharks are probably the best example of this - even the largest exhibits, purpose built for attempted captive breeding of the species, are no deeper than the average adult length of the species. Whale sharks are known to be deep divers, capable of reaching depths of well over a thousand meters, and are thought to be transoceanic migrants, so it’s plain to see just how inadequate such facilities are. This isn’t just coming from an ethical standpoint, but ascientificone. There is nothing we can learn from this species by keeping it in an environment where it can’t even perform a basic vertical dive, just as you wouldn’t learn anything from a tiger kept in a concrete cell that it can’t stand up in, except that it doesn’t thrive there.

Tiger sharks, oceanic whitetips, whale sharks and great whites have all had issues with sores in captivity, most likely caused by rubbing or bumping into tank edges regularly. Most pelagic sharks fare pretty poorly in captivity; mako sharks worst of all, with the longest record of survival being just a few days. And of course, low survival rates means low likelihood of reaching sexual maturity, which in turn means no captive breeding, which is the crux of my issues with the Georgia Aquarium and other facilities holding whale sharks. We are removing these animals from the wild on the pretense of setting up a captive breeding programme, yet we struggle to see them through their first decade. Large sharks are notoriously slow to reach maturity, and by taking them in to these facilities we are removing from the wild gene pool without giving anything back, further pushing these species towards extinction. It’s irresponsible and damaging to those remaining populations to insist on these removals, and it’s driven by a desire for profit, not conservation.     

Hopefully this all makes sense since it’s 1am here, but you’re more than welcome to ask about anything you’re not sure of!
