#and love



Crazy For You

Characters - Dean x Reader, Sam

Summary - Reader has been trying karaoke to express her feelings for Dean. When he doesn’t respond, she figures she needs to find a way to let it go.

Word Count - 1,533

Warnings - Fluff

A/N - I love writing fics inspired by songs. I wondered what it would be like to offset Dean’s 80′s metal with the pop music I actually used to listen to. (Ugh, no judging, please.)

Tags - @salvachester&@mrsjohnsmith - I’m still planning to get Hysteria up and running; @saenalife,@littlegreenplasticsoldier,@iwantthedean,@spnfanficpond,@aprofoundbondwithdean

You were pretty sure you had the bunker to yourself for at least a few more nights. The way Sam made it sound, the hunt was at a standstill and unless they caught a break soon, there was no way they were cleaning up the mess and making it back before Friday night. If your timeline was right, maybe you and the boys could hit up Karaoke night on Saturday at The Last Resort, your favorite dive bar in Lebanon.

You had been dragging the Winchesters out to the bar any chance you got. Not that they were protesting alcohol and pretty women, but they had been reluctant when you told them about the karaoke happenings. Sam remained reticent and you had convinced him only once to join you onstage to croon Islands in The Stream as a joke.

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I want a gf so bad >:(
