#and now im fighting tears at work




they don’t love me like you do | b. katsuki

➳ tags ;; 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!reader, gn but afab!reader, pegging, gentle domming, praise kink, porn with feelings, friends to lovers, healthy bdsm practices, discussions around sex and dating, reader has a personality, anal fingering, double-ended strap-on w harness, oral (m+f recieving), prostate orgasms, submissive bottom bakugou katsuki, getting together, aftercare!! READ THE TAGS!!

➳ wc ;; 12.2k (i know. i know)

➳ a/n ;; i don’t think i’ve ever projected while writing a fic so much in the entirety of my silly human life. wrote this thing with my fucking clit on the paper and pen jesus. thank you so, somuch to @jirou-s for beta-ing this monster for me. no words.

i know this fic isn’t everyones thing, but it’d mean a lot to me if you read it! i think it’s actually my favorite thing i’ve ever wrote. i had so much fun and im elated to share.

song title is based off like you do by joji!

➳ synopsis ;; you and bakugou don’t talk about your sex lives often, but at one of kirishima’s get togethers - denki brings up the subject of pegging and bakugou’s curiosity is ever present. just one question is enough to break the dam.


There’s not a lot you can say about Bakugou Katsuki that hasn’t been said before.

He’s been the headline of countless news articles, done hundreds of interviews - chopped and screwed, endless amounts of media coverage ever since he was nothing but a highschool brat. Bakugou is a well-known and popular hero with an image, and his image has been so clear in the public eye for years.

People’s stances on him are split pretty even down the middle. He’s abrasive, and unruly - and though his approval has increased significantly, it’s only inevitable some people hate him. His name in hero forums is fucking nuts,always sure to cause some kind of debate. It’s mostly positive. Some people find his disagreeable nature to go against heroism as it is, but others find his honesty to be a breath of fresh air. People will go as far as insisting there should be moreheroes like him. Even as his friend, you’re not sure you would go thatfar.

You could say a lot about Bakugou as a person. It would all boil down to the fact he’s a little wound-up, but he’s good deep down. He really wants to be good, and he’s trying. To you, Bakugou, without a shadow of doubt, isa good person. He does his best to be a good person every time he gets out on the field. You respect him. You care for him.

You’ve been in his life since your third year of high school. He was your partner in your Support Course capstone and you would later be his agency’s primary costume designer. Like everything with Bakugou, it was noteasy to be around him in the beginning.

He was hard to work with. Stubborn, mean, easily upset. You’re a natural opposite, a little more analytical and easy-going. But the two of you balanced each other out in a way Bakugou had never felt in another person. You never let him disrespect you, but you hardly got angry either. It took almost a year for him to adjust to you genuinely, but not without trying. Nights spent analyzing costume designs and doing repairs did just enough to bring you two close. At the end of it, you considered him a friend.

Your working relationship was also inevitable. Bakugou is a lot of things, but if there’s anything he’s learned is that there are people who have skills you don’t possess. He makes it a point now to recognize other people’s earnest greatness and he considers you a genius in your line of work. He’s not heavy handed about the praise but you hear through the grapevine, how he talks about your headquarters with a little puff in his chest.

To put it very, verysimply - you and Bakugou are close friends. He’s married to his job, you both are - so it works out. You work on similar schedules and don’t mind each other’s company. There’s a mutual understanding that doesn’t compare to anyone else and after years and yearsof being around each other, it’s only inevitable. Best friend is a weird word. It’s a little more than that.

Neither of you are willing to admit it, but you’re not stupid and neither is he. It’s just one of those things you work around. When he falls asleep at your place, you just cover him with a blanket and sleep in the other room. When he calls you late to talk about work, you listen and yawn. You’re both busy and ambitious people, and truthfully - you’re not sure what Bakugou is even interested in. In the years of his company, you can count maybe two dates he’d been on.Unsuccessfully, of course. He’s mentioned a few hook-ups, same as you. But the conversation about sex or dating just never reallycomes up.

You don’t mind it. You’re not really in any rush. The kind of friendship you have with Bakugou is one in a million - not worth giving it up for anything. It sounds corny but there’s a sincere part of you that believes you were destined to meet the bastard. He’s loud, annoying, and brash - but he understands you in a way no one else does. It’s mutual, and you’ve never said ‘I love you’ to each other. But you don’t have to, because you both know you do. When he texts you late at night asking if you need a chaperone, you know. You can feel it in everything he does, and you think that’s so like him.

There really isn’t a lot you can say about him that hasn’t already been said. When people ask you, you don’t think about it. It just kinda comes out of you.

“He’s loud and abrasive and the best hero around. I’m lucky to know him.” and Bakugou normally rolls his eyes and calls you lame. You always insist you mean it, and he always replies with his quietest “I know.”

And Bakugou hardly says much about the people he cares for. He’s private like that. He only speaks out for people when they really need it, which always means his words are at least two or three times more impactful. He never has a lengthy reply when interviews ask him of you. Something about how you’re the best costume engineer he could ask for.

When you ask him, personally, the answer is a little different. He gets almost shy when he scoffs, and looks away. And you know he never says anything he doesn’t mean.

“I trust you with my fucking life, idiot.”

There’s not a lot to be said about the two of you, but that much is true. There’s probably not a single person on Earth that Bakugou puts his trust in like he puts it into you.

Keep reading
