#and of course kim has healing powers

gregorygerwitz:Kim + the magic AU(absolutely inspired and influenced by my co-conspirator, @kittheka


Kim + the magic AU
(absolutely inspired and influenced by my co-conspirator, @kitthekazoo)

“It’s okay, I promise.”
“I’m scared…”
“I know. This is scary. But you’re safe, now. Can you breathe with me?”
“Yeah? Good. You’re doing really good.”

The life that she was born into was easy. It wasn’t perfect,but it was comfortable. She could have grown up happily, gone to school, had whatever career she wanted. but that was before things got complicated. Magic flowed through her as much as blood did, the same as it flowed through her sister. And that wasn’t exactly something to be proud of in the world they lived in. A neighbor who saw too much made a call, and that summoned the police to their door, and there was very little they could do.

She was pushed out the back door and beyond the fence around their yard, told to be quiet not come out of her hiding spot until someone came to get her. Only no one did. She was alone through the night, shivering under the dripping leaves of the tree overhead, all the way until the sun rose again There had been a scream at one point, and other sounds she didn’t recognize, but the light of the day brought quiet again, and she was hungry, and tired, and she couldn’t sit around and wait for someone to save her forever.

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