#and oral exams next week



Severus and Luna - a must-read

A fanfic still lying heavy in my stomach, and if indulged in my thoughts on it further, definitely bringing up tears again. But so, so, so precious. It’s by @billowsandsmoke from 2016 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/6693841.

This is my long emotional comment on it, may it serve as a recommendation to read it (tiny spoilers ahead):

Amongst various (few) pieces of art I have found dealing with Severus Snape’s story, this story has instantly received a place of honour. Its delicacy, the most skilled use of language, the empathy for the characters the author expresses in their writing as well as the respect for the characters’ nature, with much regard to canon (even though so unfortunate for their both’ fates…), it left me stunned and paralysed after I finished reading.

Of course I could not refrain from crying, reading Luna’s summary and explanation of her friendship with Severus, which explained many things I was wondering about, even for me. And what touched me most, I believe, was the degree to which I could identify with how she perceived him, and the world around her, and even his point of view to some extent. Even though my personality is different when it comes to reaction to vulnerability, I realised it must include both components which the author brought up in the story, the attitude of"fighting back" as well as the patient search for a person’s soul. Perhaps to a less radical degree. Perhaps with more impulsivity, and less patience. Yet the way Luna opened up about her awareness of Severus’ attitude towards her, and how she considered him and his nature valid, valuable and precious, it reminded me of those times when I attempted to see the same in people around me who were given up by others- sometimes to my own demise, when I had been unsuccessful to extract their deeper kindness from within them.

And it hurt to read it, and to realise it, and was somehow comforting at the same time, that this behaviour might exist in certain people (even if in this case it was attributed to a fictional character). And it hurt for Severus, to not have experienced this degree of openness and freedom to express his own emotions. And still, it felt like a closure, because indeed he realised that Luna had felt him more than he thought possible.

Thank you so much, author. Please do not stop writing, it’s a blessing.
