#and pretty much anything waldron friends have touched




Hey, you know who benefits from this whole, anti-intellectual, anti critical thinking, positive opinions only mentality I see popping up everywhere?

Not the fans.

The corporations.

Corporations LOVE it when you treat other fans like they’re the problem for not loving their product. Why? Because when you label everyone who voices criticism as a mean, bitter hater, then the corporations absolve themselves of any accountability and can continue to put out whatever shitty, mass produced, poorly written swill they throw at you that you’ll just mindlessly consume and keep giving them money. Of course they love when you silence other people for saying their media had problematic messaging, or their merchandise ripped off a local artist, or promoted hurtful stereotypes about marginalized groups. Because heaven forbid anyone actually listen to those criticisms and demand better. Or start thinking for themselves and seeking out alternative sources for their stories. Or stop giving them money.

Keep the masses happily and quietly consuming away without questioning anything they’re told, that’s what corporations want, and it’s creepy to see it happening. There’s just something very Brave New World about it all.
