#and someone has to be the bad guy





okay now i’m ANGRY 

earlier this afternoon i read a really good black sails fic about james being trans. it was well-written and interesting and when i went back to leave a comment it had been deleted because the author (who is trans) was being harassed for writing silver as being transphobic. 

thomas at the end of your story. It is obvious that Silver didn’t need to be in your story at all, unless you wanted to be passive-aggressive… I’ll make this more personal for you…would you like a story where thomas is a transphobic or a class snob who hates poor people (and if you look at the number of rich white gay men who voted for Trump (or Bernie), I could actually argue for that being in character), and flint gets together with Silver at the end? No? then you understand why the reverse is not true.

I mean the least you could do is not tag this Silverflint and then you could have written Silver as a poorly written OOC bad guy *and* badly written flinthamilton which sums up most of the flinthamilton tag anyway :)

friends, i am DISGUSTED. were you guys so mad that this (trans) author had written him as transphobic that you failed to take into account that
a) the author is like. a real person and silver is fictional
b) the author was writing from personal exp. and thought silver fit the personality of the IRL transphobe
so like c) they cared more about an interpretation of a fictional character than the feelings of a real life trans person

??? seriously, what the fuck??? 

i can’t remember the author’s ao3 url, and i don’t know their tumblr so this is the only way i can think of to let them know - i thought your fic was brilliant, and i’m so so sorry that people were so horrible about it. i thought it was very in character and the flinthamilton at the end was lovely! 

i would love to read more of this au if you ever feel like writing it 

Jfc, now I’m pissed.

Don’t like, don’t read.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Do as you would be done by.

etc. etc.

You don’t have to agree with all content (god knows that I don’t agree with how Thomas is portrayed in most silverflint(hamilton) fics - so I don’t read them). If you don’t like a fic, you don’t have to continue reading or leave a comment. And if you still want to comment, you leave constructive criticizm, you don’t leave a comment just to insult someone. I can’t believe that I have to say this, as it’s supposed to be basic human decency, taught to most people in kindergarten. (We actually had a sign on the classroom wall reminding us about it… they removed it when we turned 10 because they assumed that we had learned by then)

This goes for allshipsand all fandoms. If you don’t like a fic, find something else to read - don’t harass the author into deleting the content they spent hours creating. Same with gifsets, fanvids etc. It also shows the importance of leaving nice comments to counter the assholes.

I don’t know who the author is or if they’re on tumblr, but if you are out there, I want you to know that I would love to read your fic. I’ve been longing for a fic with trans James or Thomas and I hope that you post it again, perhaps only allowing logged in users to comment? I can’t promise that I’ll read the fic immediately because I’m struggling with personal problems atm and haven’t read fic in months, but I promise to eventually read and leave you a long, nice comment. ❤️ Never let the assholes take away the joy you feel when creating content.

Tgeir AO3 profile was gayasheaven…. But tgats gone too :((
