#and the ending my god im so sucked in bdfjbsjdbs



Week 0 - Introduction

notes: my first entry for @yourocsbackstory !! decided to do Thera for this event to develop her some more! i love my wife <3

Operation Get It Right taglist:@kryskakikomi@bigboldgold@spencers-tomes@weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables@ashen-crest@authortango

word count: 791


Serenity sets the recorder stone on the bedside table, making herself comfortable on her bed as Thera takes the fluffy chair across from her, “What’s this for again?” Thera asks, crossing her arms and bouncing her leg.

“So,” Serenity starts, flipping through her notebook until she lands on her wanted page. “I’m going around and getting my friends’ profiles.” She offers Thera a toothy grin. “Gotta prove I’m a good notekeeper somehow, right?”

Thera huffs out a half-laugh. “Sure.”

“Right.” Serenity takes a deep breath, pressing her pen to the paper. “Let’s start with the basics. Name, gender, pronouns, age?”

“Thera Gyrhuia,” Thera says, and Serenity scratches it down. “Woman. She. Nineteen.”

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