#and then follow it up with i cant be ableist im autistic




@sockknitteranon reblogged your photoset and added:

Yep, that one.

Good good, does this help to clarify? I think I figured out what was happening?

That makes sense, yeah. I just… It feels like there’s a war in the disabled community–visibly disabled versus invisibly disabled, able-bodied neurodivergent versus physically disabled, blind versus seeing but otherwise disabled, etc.

And I don’t just mean on tumblr or among kids. I was thrown out of a RL disability support group, average age 42, because “yeah but you look normal so you don’t need to be here.” That coming three days after I was asked to leave a public function in the town square because my medical equipment (a TENS unit clipped to my waistband and a cane) was “scaring the children present” and “you’re young and I don’t want to have to explain to them that young people can be cripples.”

So I am always super wary of people who respond to invisible disability stuff with “yeah but other disabilities…”

Wowwwww I’m so SO sorry to hear this, I had no idea. As I said, I’m fairly anti-social and i’m a hermit so I don’t really swim in many offline circles to begin with hahahahah. I definitely don’t blame you for being skeptical of that person’s comment under such circumstances. *hugs if wanted*

That said, I have paid dearly in my life for the knee-jerk need (mostly abled) adults have to insist that kids/youth don’t get sick or hurt or whatever. This erasure & denial leads to actual abuse of ppl like you and I and sooooo many others. I’m going to try to make public education about this issue a part of the mandate of the #InvisiblyDisabledPplExistmovement. 
