#and they all benefited from each other



If in five years tumblr decides that The Owl House was A Bad Show, Actually because of problems that were directly caused by a homophobic studio cutting them off at the knees, I’m going to scream.

Legend of Korra got attacked because Korra and Asami “only held hands in the last shot,” despite the uphill battle the writers waged against Nickelodeon to give us even that much.

Steven Universe’s final season gets remembered in the most bad-faith way possible because the crew risked everything to get the first-ever queer wedding in a kids’ show, and got penalized by the network because of it.

Adventure Time gets panned for “waiting until the very end” to make Bubblegum and Marceline canon, despite the fact that they couldn’tget the network to allow it until after the wedding in Steven Universe (hey! look at that! STEVEN UNIVERSE BEING IMPORTANT TO OTHER SAPPHIC SHIPS GOING CANON, fancy that!).

She-Ra gets accused constantly of being “toxic representation” despite the sheer number of queer people who fought tooth and fucking nail to get it to happen at all and put their entire soul into representing themselves honestly.

The Owl House crew has directly cited Steven Universe and She-Ra for paving the way. Lumity would have never fucking happened without the milestones made by others who came before.

I am beggingpeople to learn about the history of queer representation in television, and I am beggingpeople to stop holding queer media to infinitely higher standards than any other type of media.
