#and this is why i love him



roy mustang is one of those characters that improves the more you watch, because at the beginning you see him and think he’s an idiot and a dick, and then you watch a little more and you think he’s not quite an idiot but he is a dick, and then you watch further and you realize that he’s not an idiot at all and he is in fact a very kind person, and then you keep watching and it turns out that even if he’s selfless he’s still a dick, and then you watch some more and you realize that he’s an immensely guilty and complicated man who understands how unforgivable his actions were and acknowledges the necessity of moving forward and trying to fix things but his version of trying to fix things involves outright treason and a coup, and then you get to the very end of the series and it turns out whatever moral compass he has is hard won and partially outsourced and he’s always struggling against his grief and anger and his incredible cleverness is both a weakness and a strength but his real power is his bonds with others, and then you rewatch and you realize that he really is an idiot and a dick
