#and this is why



“Training should be fun – not you. A common advice given to owners with dogs that are not focused, is that the trainer needs to be more “fun”. I think this is the reason why many try to lure the dog back by being “fun”. You should not be “fun”. Rewards should be fun (and of course, you are a part of the reward), and training should be fun. Fun happens with good sessions and good rewards, not with an owner that tries to look like a clown all the time. I think a lot of dogs get nervous when the owner suddenly tries to be “fun”. They will try to calm their owner down by sniffing, looking away and moving slowly (and then the trainer tries to be even more fun…).”

Fanny Gott, “How to Get Your Dog to Love Training”.Reward Based Dog Training (22 March 2016).

This is a terrific article that contains many practical tips.


Fjfjhfnfbf Enji Stan who justifies his abuse by saying that’s just nonwestern culture turning out to be Russian?????? Ничего нового из культуре которые приняли идею что если бьют значит любит.

Dbdndbdb “Endeavor is not a misogynist because he listens to Fuyumi and bought Rei flowers and works with women”. I’m gonna scream он купил ей цветы!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this whole mother’s day strike is exactly why I do not enjoy commiserating with white women about women’s rights. 

like white women and women of color are at fundamentally different places with their activism, and it’s obvious that you’ve never organized for anything in your life before today. which means you don’t show up for anyone aside from yourself and you don’t listen to women of color and you don’t care about other people’s rights until it directly concerns you. 

like, yes, it’s not gonna work, but it’s just fucking offensive reading through the whole thing. the audacity to make a mutual aid section on your site that’s just “if you see someone struggling, maybe give them a hand.” that is not what mutual aid is, this is not what community organizing is, you’re doing a whole lotta nothing. 
