#and very dark and hurts my feelings



behavior modification, part ten

masterlist here!

taglist:@darkthingshappen,@oddsconvert,@whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump,@aut0psy-s,@reflected-pain,@mylifeisonthebookshelf (let me know if you’d like to be added!)

content warnings for: adult language, creepy/intimate whumper, forced nudity, muzzles, restraints, stress positions, shock collars, minor burns, dehumanization, emotional manipulation, brief physical violence, a little bit of blood, noncon touch, noncon kissing, implied future noncon

part ten, jack learns his positions

Jack is so good for him. 

Ivan sees the scarlet humiliation in the boy’s cheeks, but Jack opens his pretty pink mouth and lets Ivan take care of his teeth. It’s a sight, sweet little Jack with his mouth dropped open, waiting for whatever Ivan might give him. Ivan grips the boy’s stubbled chin–they’ll have to deal with that later–and slips the toothbrush into his mouth, carefully moving the bristles over Jack’s teeth and gums. Jack doesn’t fight him, even when Ivan prods the inside of his cheeks with the head of the brush. Jack’s cheeks stretch beautifully around the intrusion. Perhaps he really was made for this. 

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