#and warm



warnings: none

synopsis: general scenarios genshin characters and reader go through during winter!

writer’s note: merry christmas to all & happy holidays to my followers! you guys definitely motivate me to post more, so thank you! what i’ve written is more catering to winter generally. venti’s got a mention of holiday songs, but not any specifics in mind. itto’s is about a new year’s festival! so happy i got him haha

i’ve been nothing but excited to work on this, hence the longer scenarios and such. hope you guys enjoy reading as much as i did writing!

content under the cut!



on the rare occasion he gets an extra break during winter, he’ll take you out somewhere in snezhnaya. usually a popular shopping district!

the two of you walk down the snowy, illuminated streets while he’s off in his own world retelling a memory from his childhood. he insists on holding all of the numerous bags; it only gives the impression to onlookers that you two are a lovely close-knit couple (but he’ll stop himself from admitting that thought to you you for now).

not only that, but it’s not exactly hard to miss the lingering look of adoration in his eyes whenever his gaze is upon you.

however that look only twists in concern when he sees you rubbing your numb hands together in a desperate attempt at warming them. his heart aches when he sees the way you shiver from the biting wind.

setting the bags down lightly, he pauses in the middle of his steps and you do too. you look over at him with curiosity as the harbinger takes his own gloves off, placing them by cupping his hands with yours. his hands are warm, you note. a stark contrast compared to yours.

he parts to reach for his red scarf and scolds you for not preparing accordingly for the weather. his fingers move deftly to cover all of your exposed skin, wrapping the scarf carefully around your neck.

the scarf radiates warmth from its previous wearer, his scent wafting through your nose. you want nothing but to bury your face deeper into the soft material and sigh happily, but if you did that in front of childe he would never stop teasing you.

speaking of the redhead, he’s already picking the bags up and walking again. clearing your throat, you follow suit. “what about you? aren’t you cold?” his eyes flash over to you immediately at the sound of your voice.

“hm?” he cocks his head, “don’t worry about me partner! i’m used to this weather, and snezhnaya has had much worse.”

you can practically feel the proud grin he has on his face without even looking at him. he’s oozing confidence. “alright, but you’re taking them back when we get to your house.”

“it’s fine, you can keep them i promise!” he insists. you only sigh, giving in to his stubborn nature.

the walk only continues in a comfortable silence, the only thing heard was the heavy trudging through snow and slight clinking of metals from his expensive clothing.

“they look better on you anyway,” he mutters inaudibly.


thoma knows how to knit. so when the colder season comes rolling around the corner in inazuma, he’s already got a hand-knit scarf and mittens ready for you. he’s remembered your favorite color and even chose the most comfortable yet durable yarn!

he just didn’t expect you to wear them so often. almost everytime you go out, the sight of you wearing the mittens renders him sighing dreamily with a dopey grin.

“hey! i’ll be ready in a second, i just can’t find my scarf,” you scratch the back of your neck bashfully and invite the blonde into your home.

he looks around, nervous. this is the first time he’s been inside of your house, he swallows and sets his shoes down. it’s small but definitely pleasant, homey and inviting. “it’s fine,” he smiles sheepishly, “if you want i can help you look for it!”

you deadpan at him, “no. you do enough helping– for archons’ sake, tonight is supposed to be an off day for you! no helping, just sit here,” you sigh in mock exasperation jokingly and he only laughs, assuring that he won’t move an inch.

while seated, thoma can’t help but think that the sight of you running around your own home frantically searching for something is adorably domestic. before he can indulge in the thought anymore, he hears a relieved shout coming from the other room.

“found it!” you come running down the hall, wrapping the scarf around your neck and motioning at him with your hand. “come on, let’s get going! we’re gonna be late and i don’t wanna even think about arguing to the attendant,” you babble on about how difficult it was to get reservations at this time of the year to the high end hot pot restaurant which he loved and frequented.

thoma chuckles, shaking his head and putting his shoes on. he holds the door open for you with one hand, looking at your outfit.

what you wore was nice and complimented the weather. what stuck out to him was the sight of you in the scarf he had knitted himself– the way it tied the whole outfit together made his lips quirk upwards in the slightest.

hopefully he’ll see you wear the newly-knitted sweater he had sitting on his bed for you just as much.


he constantly has a hot cup of tea waiting for you. your favorite brew, decaf or not– all up to your preference! if you’re not a big fan of the bitterness tea brings, he has lighter leaves to combat that as well!

the weather drops significantly in liyue during winter; nowhere near as cold as snezhnaya, but still chilly nonetheless. he really doesn’t want you to get sick; but he can’t really do much as the two of you are busy with your own work. which is why he’s invited you over for a chat the instant he heard from hu tao about how you had caught a cold.

“what’s this?” you sniffle, putting your shoes by the doorway and striding up to zhongli.

he’s sitting by the fire with a new set of teacups that look antique. upon closer inspection, it’s of a traditional liyuean design, definitely not anything you’d see being made lately. he hums, “i was cleaning out some things and found it for you. it’s a set made to remedy ill conditions like colds and sore throats,” he rubs the set clean with a hot cloth and sets a cup down gingerly.

“that’s possible? how– and why do you have this?” you stare at the cups in awe and the male besides you chuckles.

“one moment,” he leaves to his kitchen momentarily before coming back with a familiar canister of tea leaves, gesturing for you to sit down.

“it’s a long story, but the adeptus used to–” he jumps slightly at the unexpected sound of your sneeze, pulling out a handkerchief.

he hands it to you, brows furrowed in concern. “i have some bamboo shoot soup cooking in the kitchen but it won’t be ready for a while. are you free to stay the evening?”

you nod eagerly at his request, “your bamboo shoot soup is seriously the best! i’m gonna be cured in no time at this rate,” you laugh out, suddenly abashed you avert your gaze to the cups. “thanks, you really didn’t have to do this,”

“nonsense,” he gives you a small smile, already onto preparing the hot water and tea leaves.


he gives you his coat, the dark jacket he has on most the time. the first time he gave it to you, he said that he’d be fine with his vest alone, and that he has a spare.

it’s hefty, his coat. you can tell it definitely wasn’t something cheap from its weight which allows it to warm you instantly. you can see why he wears it so much now.

he’s lent it to you so much that its initial scent has grown tame, the smoking firewood and faint sweetness from alcohol brewing fading. you’ve tried to return it to him, but he insists that it does you more good than with him. after all, he does have a spare!

which is why he’s surprised you’re gifting it back to him with some embellishments and newly embroidered designs on it.

“i don’t know if you’ll like it,” you fumble with the bag as you present the gift to him, “but i spent a lot of time on it!”

diluc takes the coat out and stares at it with an interested gleam in his eye. “it’s,” he pauses, hand trailing down a sleeve that has a beautiful yet fashionable new design sewn onto it, “it’s wonderful. you did this?”

you nod eagerly, smiling. “yeah! it took a lot of practice, but i think it’s pretty neat! do you like it?”

“i do,” he nods at you, “thank you. are you going to be fine the walk home?” he eyes your clothes warily, already seeing how your arms suppress a noticeable tremble.

you only laugh nervously, looking away as you wave at him, “i’ll be okay! i don’t really live far from the tavern and today isn’t that cold!”

diluc only huffs, shaking his head and he offers an arm, ears heating up as you look directly into his eyes questioningly. “i’ve already closed up. come on.”


he can’t do much, is what he tells himself. but when xiao sees you shivering on the balcony of wangshu inn just to visit him amidst the wintery season of liyue, he feels bad.

he should do something to keep you warm and comfortable, the cold doesn’t necessarily bother him but seeing you shake and cupping your hands together makes him ponder what he could do.

he can’t really offer you any clothes, and you won’t go inside where it’s warm whenever he tells you to. he suggested a blanket or something of the sorts, but you claimed that it would just get dirty. he told you to layer up– but you didn’t exactly have any jackets or sweaters thick enough. “i wanna keep you company!”

he scoffs, at your words, crossing his arms. “you can do that inside. i’m not that far.”

you only whine, “it won’t be the same. and it’s not even that cold, really!”

“you were sick last week.”

“not anymore!” you grin at him. xiao doesn’t say anything, seemingly contemplating something with a crease in his brows. all of a sudden, an idea comes to mind. you’re sitting next to him in silence, closing your eyes as a harsh gust of wind sweeps through. xiao shifts, turning his body to face the direction of the wind.

at the sudden absence of wind slapping at your face, you open your eyes to see xiao’s back.

he turned in order to block the breeze.

you feel your face burn, muttering out a quiet ‘thank you’ and he only nods.


she can’t do a lot other than fluctuate the weather to suit your current condition.

if you’re showing the slightest signs of discomfort from the cold, expect a clear sky with a bright sun as soon as she notices. it doesn’t take long for her to notice either, ei is scarily perceptive.

if you’re sick, she’ll definitely watch out for you and make sure the least amount of casualties come your way (the ones in her control). it worries her seeing you not in your best condition and she wants nothing but for you to feel happy and healthy soon!

she’ll send commands from her plane of euthymia to keep tabs on you, ensuring your health and wellbeing. ei would personally summon you– but she doesn’t want to risk putting any strain on your body from doing so.

“i’m fine, really,” you hand a small tri-color dango to the concerned purple haired woman. “i stopped coughing and sneezing yesterday, and i’m perfectly fine in here with you!”

she purses her lips, eyes glossing over with unease. “if you say so. i will try to help aid in preventing this matter from happening to you ever again. i’ve already taken the extra precaution.” she accepts the treat and smiles softly at you.

letting out a small sigh, you take a sip from your dango milk and stare at your lap. “it’s nice that you care about my wellbeing, but you should watch yours as well.”

ei only tilts her head in confusion, “i can assure you i won’t get sick, plane of euthymia or not.”

you laugh, “i mean– mentally. you say you’re fine but, aren’t you lonely in here? i mean i can’t always drop by like this. i don’t wanna hassle you, and it’s indecent of me to intrude,”

she only sets down her food, staring at you with a reassuring fondness. “i don’t mind having you here. your company is enjoyable, i only wish you could stay longer.” you hope she doesn’t notice your wide eyes and flustered expression. (but she does!)


venti loves winter with you! from making snowmen in the coast of dragonspine to singing winter jingles together on starsnatch cliff, he finds that no activity is boring with you around.

most the things you do together may seem childish, but to venti he just sees it as opportunities to bond and have a good time!

winter in mondstadt means a festive setting and that comes with plenty of holiday songs. he enjoys singing them with you, whether he’s the main vocalist or the faint echo in the back.

something about the way you laugh out of embarrassment as you finish a song with him makes his heart stutter in its pace. but if he were to be asked what he enjoyed the most about winter so far, it would definitely be the thing you two were doing right now.

“ah, can you hand me the eggwash?” you reach over for a clean brush and venti obliges to your request, sliding you the mixture.

“thank you,” you hum, getting to work immediately. venti only watches you and his eyes light up in curiosity.

“when will the pie be ready?” he grins, tracing shapes in the spilled flour. “please tell me it’ll be ready soon, it’ll be ready soon right?”

your eyes narrow at him, “venti this isn’t the first time we’ve made an apple pie together. it’ll take two to three hours before we can eat it, cooling and all.” he groans, fully knowing what your reply would be. still, it doesn’t make him any less distraught. you only sigh.

“if it’ll make you happy, i can make some apple crisps with the leftover apples while we wait. it’ll only take about ten minutes, promise!” his cheering brings a small smile to your face as you put the pie in the oven.

now for the rest of the two or so hours, you have no idea how to contain him.


staking out and snowballing kujou sara.

is what he wishes the two of you could do, but he’s got way more fun activities in mind! during this time of year, yoimiya puts out the most impressive fireworks at the new years festival and he wants nothing but to watch it with you this year!

he’s got nothing but one goal in mind, to make sure you enjoy the experience as much as possible. he’s taken the extra steps of snagging a lot of jobs beforehand to have a hefty amount of mora to spend on food for the two of you. he wouldn’t normally do this, but for you he wanted to go above and beyond.

“do you need any help with that?” you glance over to the oni whose arms are borderline bursting with different snacks and such.

he looks at you with a stuffed mouth, grinning from ear to ear. “nope! i goth this coveredth!” following him up the small hill, he leads you to a side of the festival that doesn’t have much people.

the two of you settle down and chat and you occasionally laugh at his silly antics. right now he had two wooden sticks from the skewered dango hanging from his mouth, making impressions of animals.

suddenly, he turns his head and takes the sticks out, pointing ahead. “it’s starting, alright! shhh!”

confused, you look in the direction he had his attention trained on. not a minute later, a large high pitched sound fills the air and a bright firework lights up the sky. multiple follow, and the cheering of people and loud noises can be heard in the distance.

itto joins in on the noise and gets up with two pots in hand, repeatedly banging them together. you laugh at the scene, apparently it was an inazuman tradition to scare off bad spirits and bring in good luck for the upcoming year.

“come on, you try!” he grins boyishly as he hands you the pots, taking your wrist in his hand as he pulls you up. he definitely succeeded in making you enjoy the experience– of his company.
