#anderson family values






Markus takes his father, Carl to physical therapy after he’s been in the car crash, where he meets another father-son duo, but the difference is that the son, quiet, beautiful and sad young man with brown hair and chocolate colored eyes it the one in for therapy. 

Connor, who’s been injured while saving a little girl on his first mission as a police officer and his father, lieutenant Hank Anderson, whom Carl befriends right away. 

Connor’s in a really dark place mentally, because, being a police officer was his dream (because his dad was saving people from bad guys and of course he wanted to do it too!) and now he won’t have that ever again and even though he does not regret sacrificing his health for saving someone, he thought he’d have more time to do it and he’d manage to save more lives than just one. He thinks that, maybe, if he’d been better, smarter, faster it would not have happened. 

Hank is also guilt-ridden that he could not protect his baby boy from the dangers of this shitty world. And now he’s double scared because his other sons, Connor’s twin, Chris and their younger brother, Richard are also training to work for the force. 

Markus wants to do everything he can to make Connor’s life even a bit better and it’s just an added bonus that Carl likes the two of them so much and invites them over a lot, him and Hank drinking (when Markus can’t see) and Markus showing Connor how to do art and plays piano for him.

Connor, who doesn’t even consider he has a chance with Markus, is just giving him sad puppy eyes 24/7 and it breaks both Carl and Hank’s hearts, because, they do see that Markus likes Connor a lot and that Connor is so consumed by self-hate that he is totally oblivious to it.

Also, imagine, Richard and Chris being fuckin done with Connor being oblivious idiot and come up with a plan for Chris to go and flirt with Markus and check if he really doesn’t like their brother as Connor claims.

Queue fake Connor (Chris) being dropped of at Markus’ place by Richard. It all goes well and Markus LOVES how much more positive Connor suddenly is and that he’s flirting back and smiling and then Hank comes over and Hank instantly knows its Chris (cause he’s their dad and can tell them apart)

hank: chris what the fuck u doing here 
chris: dad SHHHH he doesnt know 
hank: who doesnt know? markus or connor? 
chris: actually… neither of them know 
hank: im sure richard knows 
chris: it was his idea 

hank: chris u have to tell him!
chris: daaad ur ruining operation GCD
hank: the what
chris: operation ‘get connor dick’

Meanwhile, at Anderson residence: 

connor, wakng up: richard wheres my wheelchair
richard: ummm about that… Chris borrowed it

Also, imagine if Chris at some point forgets he’s supposed to be Connor and just stands up to get himself some water or something and Markus walks in and just.. Faints?

Markus: !????????????!?!?!?!??!
Chris: I can explain???

Added chaotic bonus points if Chris is actually ACE and while he’s fine with the romance and flirting part, he’s totally oblivious to anything sexual and compensates by acting super thirsty (cause he researched some porn in preperation) and Markus tries to kiss him and Chris is like: WHOAA BRUHHH HOLD UPPPP

markus, totally sad thinkin connor doesnt like him: im sorry im sorry i wont try again plz dont be mad 

chris: NO NO I LIKE U 


chris: OH FUCK 

markus: what u mean connor likes me 

chris: im not connor 

markus: connor this isnt nesseccary if u dont want to kiss me its totally fine 

Hank watching this with Carl: Jesus this kid’s gone too far, i need to stop him

Carl: Shhh wait don’t ruin it

Hank: Carl that’s not Connor, that’s his fuckin twin and he’s manipulating your son!

Carl: Oh i know. Want some popcorn?

At the Anderson residence, later that evening: 

chris: well markus likes u for sure
connor, desperately hoping his brother didnt embarrass him too much: WHAT. DID. U. DO
chris: ntn he tried to kiss me
connor: what????
chris: ya i mean it was sweet at first he was very romantic but like… eww?
richard: do you think he’ll notice if its me next time
chris: idk bro i mean u do look different but hes really dumb
richard: sounds like its a match made in heaven then
connor: DAAAAD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!
chris: connor calm down this is a group project, dont try to do it alone
chris: we’re your brothers
connor: trust me thats the only reason ur still living
richard: well, we’re invested
connor: at this point yall gonna put a camera on me if we ever have sex
chris: eww no i dont wanna see that
richard: id watch that
connor: what
richard: what? he’s hot
connor: im about to forget about the family thing and murder u

hank, totally done with this shit and needing a drink: okay time out everyone go to ur room
chris: please nooo i share a room with connor
chris: he’ll kill me
hank: well its a punishment so ..
chris complaining on his way: why am i the one who gets to get murdered. richard was in on it too. this isnt fair.

In their room, later:
chris: psss con. con u awake?
connor: what the fuck u want
chris: call markus come on
chris: if u dont call him i will
connor: U SHUT UP!!!
hank from his room: I HEAR YALL NOT SLEEPING!
richard, also from connor and chris’ room: WE’RE SLEEPING DAD
chris: richie ur not supposed to be here!!!
richard: fuck i forgot that

The next day, at breakfast: 

Hank: what do y'all want for Christmas
Connor: a new family
Chris: some balls for Connor
Richard: I want a new smartphone
Hank: Richard you’re still grounded from the last time you snuck out to meet Gavin
Richard: umm then I want my old smartphone back
Hank: not happening
Richard: ok I also want a new family then
Hank: I thought when y'all got older it would get easier
Chris: what gave you that idea
