#andromeda peeps pls hmu


Now, Hosung didn’t necessarily think of himself as someone super creative but ever since joining the company and becoming a member of PER_SE something had changed. He’d become more driven to showcase more of himself outside of his role as an idol performer, to be seen as more of an artist rather than the product of a couple of survival show and a whole team of coaches. Lately there had been an idea kicking around in his head, not fully formed yet, but something that he’d gotten really stuck on.

He wanted to create an official collaboration series featuring each member of AND*ROMA.

Since their whole concept were sister and brother groups it made sense to utilise that. It wasn’t like anything else was really happening with the two of them anyway. It had all started when he’d talked to Wendy and asked her to perform a duet with him—some time in the future—and talked about getting it uploaded to the official Nova youtube channel. But so far this was all just a fuzzy idea in his head with some thoughts jotted down into a notebook for possible creative directions.

Song covers would be the easiest to do and would be something that the fans would expect as well. Hosung had no qualms about taking the back seat in the videos either, thinking that it could be an interesting take if he played the backing instrumentals to whoever was singing. Or dancing. Dancing was also an option. He’d already done a special stage with Xiao which turned out to be loads of fun, so doing a collaborative dance didn’t phase him either. The only thing that would be tricky—in all of this—would be getting the girls on board with this.

Time was already scarce and with PER_SE promoting and AND*ROMA gearing up for promotions he had no idea where to squeeze his little project in. But he was determined to make it work.
