
bugmeyer: Shateiel, Tranquil Observer https://www.angelarium.net/seraphim#/shateiel-angel-of-silence


Shateiel, Tranquil Observer

When words fail, the wind dies and the earth comes to a rest, Shateiel descends. In stillness, a new aspect of all things emerge, touched by this elusive angel. The space around it gains new meaning, held still by the grip of its presence. Fear not, it rarely lingers. It’s time to stop and take a moment.

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bugmeyer:Turiel, Angel of the Mountain Here I remain,under a mountain made of many hands,all reachbugmeyer:Turiel, Angel of the Mountain Here I remain,under a mountain made of many hands,all reach


Turiel, Angel of the Mountain

Here I remain,
under a mountain made of many hands,
all reaching and all taking.

I press my body closer to that which I must keep.
It is mine and I will shield it from the misery of other hands.

I can feel their gaze fall on it like an avalanche.

They diminish it with the weight of their indurate eyes.

But it is mine and so I will bury it in the shadow of my protections.

Their greed feeds my convictions,
So here I remain.

Here I remain under a mountain of screaming fury.

How they try to convince me to share with them
That which they are not worthy of.

“It is not yours!”
I say and say with rage boiling in my breast.

Their voices press on me,,
Hot like the sun and fogging my vision.

But there is something familiar,
Something I’ve forgot.

Here I remain,
under a mountain of mirrors.


Limited Edition Prints HERE

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 Kokabiel, the Burning LightThe fair and childlike Kokabiel saw things in the stars that his brother

Kokabiel, the Burning Light

The fair and childlike Kokabiel saw things in the stars that his brother Watcher’s did not. To him, he saw unknowable mysteries unfolding in the night sky. Men came to him, with hopes of divining some earthly meaning behind the movement of the heavenly bodies. Though he spoke with them often, it was difficult to take real information from his readings. The places and things that he described were in vivid detail, but failed to resemble the world in which they lived. At first, the obtuse quality of Kokabiel’s information was seen as a form of higher wisdom, beyond the reach of men’s minds. As time went on, many thought him mad.
Kokabiel longed to return to be among the stars again, forgoing all worldly concerns. As tragedy mounted around him, he did not see it, blinded by the glare of celestial light.

Peter Mohrbacher

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