


I can’t believe I’m finally doing one of these again! I said I’d be around when school was out, and then I got asked to work a 2 week summer school, not knowing how awful it would be (and it’s only day 2!) I worked 12 hours today and 10 ½ yesterday and I am wiped. BUT I managed to write a few sentences today, so here they are.

Hopefully, I will get this fic done since it was supposed to be for CORB. (I’m so sorry, my dear artist. Ik it seems like I just up and disappeared, and I hate that but I don’t want to abandon you or this fic )

This isn’t much, but it’s words!

Would I mind if Baz took his clothes off? No. Not really. I mean, he’s not ugly. He’s muscular from all the running he does in football, and I’m sure he wouldn’t be bad to look at.

But I didn’t mean it like that. Like I want him to take his clothes off. Obviously, I don’t go around wishing that I could see more of Baz’s body. I don’t care. I know he looks good. But I don’t have some secret desire to see his naked body.

But now I’m sure that’s what Baz thinks.

I need to come up with a way to let him know that I don’t want him to take his clothes off without it coming off as weird.

I’m scheduling this to go up tomorrow morning, so I’ll start off the tags. Thank you to everyone who has continued to tag me recently. I love the thought and seeing what you’re working on!

