#angie bouchard x reader


pairing: Angelique Bouchard x Reader

includes: smut, fluff at the end

warnings: 18+, Smut (if you are a child this is not for you)

word count: 1589

brief description: You and Angelique are both witches and have been with one another since Barnabus’s return. It is now modern day and you bought the Mario Kart 8 game for you and Angie to play. She got annoyed with your apparent skill for the game and decided to spice things up to make it more of a challenge for you. Insert vibe, continuing into light smut as you play a few rounds of the game continuing into flat out smut with a bit of fluff at the end. 

Apologies for being so inactive for so long. I got very busy with my university classes then lost the will to write more than just a prompt or idea. It was halfway through break before I was able to get this done but I still have my prompt and idea list to go from. I will try to post some more but as the new semester is starting soon so no promises. Anyway enjoy. 


It was 2017 and you were in a relationship with Angelique Bouchard. You had met her right before Barnabus’s return and although at first she was merely toying with you, calling you “darling” or “pretty thing”, she had developed feelings for you a few weeks in. That was where your relationship began. Upon Barnabus’s return she had given up on him after being rejected a few times and stuck with you from then on. You had been the one to stop her vengeance plot against Barnabus which ended up saving her life.  It was a few months into your relationship that you had told her about you being a witch but as she was as well, she figured that out on her own. Now in 2017 the two of you were living together comfortably in a large house with a pool, master bedroom, and all the luxuries. She of course still had her own company and you were a successful lawyer. You had just bought a new video game and had gotten her to agree to try. The game was Mario Kart 8, which you happened to be naturally good at to her annoyance. You both sat on the bed in the master bedroom and round after round you took between first and third place. “How are you so good at this?!” she poutily remarked,  furrowing her eyebrows in frustration. You shrug your shoulders saying, “I don’t know, I just am. Maybe it is just luck.” The last part you said brought a small smirk to your face as she scoffed. “Well ‘luck’ I am going to be right back. Don’t start the next round without me”. You watched as she got off the bed and went into the bathroom. You heard her rummaging through a few drawers before she emerged again with a small box in her hand. You furrowed your brows and tilted your head in confusion. “Let’s see if you can keep your winning streak with this”, she lowly stated with a smirk and darkened eyes. From the box she pulled out a remote control vibrator that was designed to fit snugly under one’s panties. You placed your controller on the bed as she crawled over to you and pushed you onto your back. “Are you going to behave for me?” Intrigued, you looked up at her, your eyes widened, and nodded. She slipped your leggings off and panties down before sliding two fingers over your wet folds, prepping you to take the thickness of the vibrator. You squirmed under her wanting more and tried to lean up to kiss her right as she pushed two fingers inside of you causing you to lowly moan. She thrusted in and out for about a minute until she pulled her fingers out and sucked them clean. She then grabbed the toy and slipped the thick side of the vibrator into your pussy and adjusted the thinner side perfectly over your clit. She then kissed your forehead before sliding your panties back up, leaving you in a spaghetti strap crop top and your panties. She sat you back up and caressed your cheek before grabbing her controller and her cell phone. “Ok next round” she said with an all too sweet smile while showing her phone with the vibrator controls on it. Your eyes widened and your cheeks went crimson as you clicked on the ‘next’ button to start the round. As the timer counted down from 3, Angelique set the vibrator onto the first setting causing you to jerk forward and start the race late. You leaned forward and closed your legs in front of you to relieve some of the sensation to which Angie quickly pulled you back up and instructed you to sit legs apart again. You let out a whine as you had finally made it up to 2nd place but she warned you to do so before she pulled your legs apart herself. With a defeated huff you did as you were told and immediately started squirming around a bit knowing that in this case she wouldn’t be spreading your legs to pleasure you. You quickly fell to 3rd place then 4th but were able to adjust to the vibrations and maintain your place there. You just barely finished the race in 3rd place to Angelique’s annoyance. She let out a devious laugh as you started the next race and amped the vibration level up 3 more settings causing you to moan and squirm around. You managed to bring yourself to composure and keep up the race after a few moments but your legs were shaking violently as you tried not to fall too far behind. For the duration of the race you let out whines from the pleasure and felt yourself coming close to an orgasm but held off until you finished the race, this time in 5th place. As you crossed the finish line you fell back letting out a breathy moan as you climaxed and Angie looked down at you brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “Aww sweetie, you know there’s one race left, can’t call it quits now can you?” She asked innocently as you huffed from the continuing vibrations. “O-ok l-last one” You manage to stutter in between breaths. She takes your controller and selects 'final race’ then hands it to you. You take it in your hands still on your back and scoot up as much as you can to lay your head on her lap instead of trying to sit back up. “Let’s make this last one the hardest yet, shall we?” She says with a smile as she takes her phone in her hand. You look at her with exasperation, unable to say anything as she maxes out the vibration level causing you to scream out in pleasure, dropping your controller as you grip the blankets on the bed. She goes through the race and it times out marking you in last place. Still letting out whines and moans with your eyes shut tight after hitting a second climax, Angelique puts up the controllers and turns off the TV before kneeling between your spread legs. She runs two fingers up the fabric of your panties with the vibrator still at full power, “My you are rather soaked aren’t you darling?”. You nod your head as she finally turns the toy off and pulls your panties down, throwing them to the side. You look up at her with pleading eyes, “p-please, I-I’m close to f-finishing” You beg. “Are you? Well you’ve been good so I guess we can let you finish” she says in a low tone as she grabs the toy and starts thrusting it in and out of your already throbbingly sensitive pussy. You moan and whine at every thrust with her slow pace as she reaches up and tears off your top to start kneading one of your breasts. She turns the vibrations back on at half speed and you let out a loud “ohhhhh”. She moves her hand from your breasts to your thigh as she leans down and starts kissing down your lower stomach. Once she reaches your clit she lays a light kiss on it before she sucks, licks, and nips at it causing your hips to jolt. She brings her hands up to unbutton her shirt and undress herself before turning off the vibrator and coming up to caress your cheek. You let out a whine and she brings a finger to your lips, “shhh, I’ll let you finish right after you finish me off”. She turns around straddling your face with her legs and you understand what she wants. As you grab her hips to bring her pussy to your lips she turns the vibrations back on and continues to play with your clit. She begins to lick at your folds from time to time between thrusts of the toy, occasionally moaning into your pussy from her own pleasure. You start thrusting two fingers into her wet folds and quickly speed up the pace causing her to loudly moan and whimper into your pussy and clit almost pushing you over. You knew better than to finish before her however so you nipped at her clit and added a third finger as you spanked her ass with your other hand knowing it would finish her off. She screamed out as her pussy squirted juices onto your face and chest. After she was able to compose herself enough to focus back on you she growled out a “good girl” before slipping her long tongue into you alongside the vibrating toy and writhing it around causing you to scream and climax the hardest you ever had. She removed her tongue and continued to pump the toy in and out of you as your cum squirted out a bit allowing you to fully ride out your climax. Once you finally came down she cleaned you up and turned back around to lay beside you. You were still shaking so she pulled you into her chest lacing one hand into your hair and pressing the other on your back absently tracing circles with her thumb while whispering praises into your ear. You cuddled into her and took in all her warmth as her soft breathing lulled you into a mindless bliss. She gently kisses your forehead whispering “bonne nuit mon amour” (“goodnight my love” ) into your ear before nuzzling into you as you both fall asleep from the post climax feeling.

Save Me - Angelique Bouchard x Reader

pairing: Angelique Bouchard x Reader

includes: angst, smut

warnings: 18+, Suggestive Material, Smut

brief description: you were in your last semester of high school and your girlfriend, Angelique Bouchard got a part time job at your school as she was taking a gap year so the two of you could start college together. your teacher was making you uncomfortable and she came to your aid. it progresses from there through the day.


You were sitting in your last class of the day, US Government. Saying it was your least favorite was an understatement. It wasn’t the class itself you hated, it was the teacher who made the entire situation feel like hell. The teacher was yelling as usual and kept glancing up at you, making you more uncomfortable every time. You were answering questions here and there to maintain your grade for participation but you just wanted the class to be over. It was hardly even halfway through the class and your feeling of discomfort was rising by the minute. The hair on the back of your neck was raised and your stomach had that nerve filled tightness. You finally decided to slip your messages into the sliding tab on your iPad so you still had the teacher’s presentation up and could easily slide the message bar away if something were to be said. You subtly started messaging your girlfriend of 2 years, Angelique Bouchard, who you had met in grammar school and been friends with since. Although the two of you had grown to be abnormally close friends through the first years of high school, you had both admitted your feelings toward one another by accident and ended up starting your official relationship only a couple years ago. Although the two of you were only a year apart, she had landed a job at the school you attended after deciding to take a gap year so you could start college together. You both made sure to be careful as nobody, not even the other staff, knew about the relationship. When you saw her around campus you would always call her by her last name and you would make as little physical contact as possible; the farthest you would go is subtle flirty glances whether it be a quick wink or a small bite of your lip. Even if anyone saw these small gestures, which was rare due to how cautious you were, not much thought was given as it was known that you were a natural flirt and often did not realize you were flirting half the time. “He is doing it again” you message. This was not the first time this specific teacher had made you uncomfortable or glanced at you more often than anyone else in the class. A few minutes pass with no response. You quietly reach into your pocket and slip the soft, cherry red scrunchie your girlfriend gave you around your wrist. You bring your hand up to rest your chin on it as a subtle way to breathe in the scent of your girlfriend’s perfume, which she had sprayed on the scrunchie for you since while you were at school, nobody was to know that the two of you were together. Just taking in the scent of her perfume calmed your uneasy nerves a bit as it made it feel somewhat as though she was there. Ten minutes passed before you got a response and your facade of acting tough was starting to fall through with each glance. “How bad is it today?” you read as you pretend to take notes. “He basically looks at me every other sentence not even including him staring at me wide eyed as he reiterated a point.”, you sent as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling yet another gaze upon you. “I’ll be there in a few minutes”, she responds. You have no idea how she would manage to pull this off or come up with a reason for her arriving at your classroom. There was still half of the class time remaining and you now felt a glare coming in your direction. You looked up to see the teacher staring daggers in your direction so you subtly swiped the messaging bar away and gave him an innocent look. He glared at you a moment more then looked back to his laptop, moving on to the next slide. A few minutes pass and his glances deepen. You are unable to depict if they are primal glances or rage filled glares. You listen for footsteps outside the classroom, tension building in your stomach with each passing moment. You wonder if he would even allow you to leave the classroom provided a well thought out explanation let alone an on the spot reason. He ends the lesson and has everyone work on a project. You feel his gaze return to you and rather than it lasting a brief moment, it fixates upon you. He was being subtle making it

as least noticeable as possible and after several moments your facade cracks. Your breathing quickens and your hands begin to lightly shake. The knotting feeling in your stomach worsens as you grow further uncomfortable. Finally you hear a subtle knock on the door and almost everyone in the room including the teacher looks at the open door. “May I help you?” He asks in an annoyed tone. Angelique glances at you then looks icily at him, “yes, I need to see y/n y/l/n. She should probably bring her backpack to make sure she isn’t late for her next class.” You look at him for permission to leave, keeping your slightly shaky hands from his sight. He glances at you, then back at Angelique, hesitating for several moments before finally allowing you to get up and leave, carrying your backpack in tow. You quickly walk out of the classroom gripping the strap of your backpack to stop your hands from shaking, feeling more than a few gazes upon you as students wonder what is so important that you need to be excused from class with a third of the time remaining. As you make it out the door of the classroom, Angelique gestures you in the direction of the door that leads outside and you walk that way. The two of you walk down the path to the rose garden and once you get there, you head into the secluded shaded area which is mostly out of view. You put your bag down and head to sit on the bench. As you sit down, Angelique straddles your lap and holds you in her arms. She pulls your head into her chest and whispers sweet nothings into your ear, reassuring you that you’re safe and it’s ok now. You wrap your arms around her torso and pull her in closer as you nuzzle further into her. Once you calm down she scoots back on your lap and lifts up your chin. “You ok now?”, she asks in just above a whisper. You nod and tilt your head down to gently kiss the palm of her hand. “Does someone need attention?” she teases with a small laugh. You pull her closer, bringing your head into her neck as you place a light kiss near her collar bone. You look back up at her creating a small gap between you. She leans in close, pausing for a moment as though asking permission, and presses her lips against yours. You move your arms up her back as you deepen the kiss, her hand tangling into your hair. You release a light moan into her mouth and she moves her free hand to your lower back. You pull her closer with one arm and grab her thigh with the other. Her arm brushes from your back to the front of your jeans as she undoes the button and zipper, moving her hand lower. You move your hand up her thigh until you make it to her jeans. She jolts forward pushing you back against the bench as a warning so you hook your fingers into the front of her jeans and pull her forward. “Can you be quiet for me love?” she whispers into your ear. You nod and go in for another kiss. She allows it and right as she hooks her fingers under the fabric of your panties, you both hear the coming bustle of the first students walking to their advisory periods. quickly , she stands up, pulling you to stand in front of her. In a swift motion moves her hand and redoes the zipper and button on your jeans. You look at her amazed as to how she could do that so quickly but then give her a slight pout. “I know dove, but we can finish this later.” You take a breath at this response realizing it is safer this way. She walks you up the staircase and through the first door that leads into the kitchen. As you walk through the kitchen she quickly kisses your cheek before letting you continue on your own to your advisory. Once announcements are over you take out your phone and see a message, “From Angelique <3: You want to come home with me today? I get off at 4:00.” A small smirk plays upon your face as you reply: “sure, just let me tell my parents so they don’t worry about me not coming home.” You message your mom that you are staying at Angie’s house for the night and after getting her approval, even if you are a legal adult, you put your phone away and look for something to occupy yourself with. You

notice an email from your seventh period teacher saying you left your water bottle in his classroom and to come pick it up before the end of the day. You tap your friend on the shoulder and ask her to come with you since you’d rather not walk into his classroom solo. She agrees to join in and after checking with your advisor you head to the classroom. You walk in, your friend in tow and knock on the door. The teacher gestures toward your water bottle and you go over to grab it, hoping that there will be no conversation and you will just be able to leave. As you walk out, your friend waiting in the doorway, he snarkily asks, “Finish whatever task was so important you had to leave my class?” You reply cordially with an “what? Oh- yeah we almost finished. Thank you for holding on to my water bottle for me.” He nods and you quickly walk out of the room before he can ask anything else with your friend behind you. As you walk back to your advisory your friend asks, “What task was he talking about.” You simply look at her and shrug with the simple answer of, “Oh, nothing all too important. You know me, always the one helping with stuff around the school and getting involved with events and projects.” She accepts this answer and doesn’t press on about it as you enter your advisory and sit back down. You busy yourself with reading a book as the majority of senior level teachers had stopped assigning homework. Time seems to drag on and when you are finally dismissed at 2:45pm you decide to go visit teachers and hang around since Angelique wouldn’t be off for over an hour. You wander around the campus as you hang around in different classrooms to pass the time. 3:30pm came and most teachers had gone home so you decided to return to the rose garden this time sitting on a bench at the edge of the garden. You check your phone and see no messages so you take out your book to continue reading. Twenty-five minutes go by and you hear footsteps approaching. Your history teacher walks through the garden and as he sees you gives you a quizzical look asking, “You’re still here? School ended almost an hour ago.” You look up from your book and simply state that you are leaving at 4:00. He looks at you a moment longer then offers to wait with you. You notice Angelique standing in the patio area above the rose garden as she was likely coming to find you. You notice a concerned look upon her face as you both know it would be suspicious if she went up to you now even if she could manage some mediocre excuse. You politely decline the teacher’s offer and come up with an excuse that you forgot something and have to go back in. He offers to assist and you tell him that it is fine and to have a nice weekend. He watches you a moment longer as you pack your bag and walk off through the garden. You notice Angelique head to the patio doors just in time to not be noticed as he turns to head out. You go through the kitchen doors and meet Angelique at the edge of the connected hallway. She looks at you with concern asking if you are ok and questioning if he had done anything and once you reply that you were fine and nothing had happened she dropped the subject. You both wait for about ten minutes before going out to her car and driving home as a precaution to ensure that your history teacher would be gone. You discuss the encounters from advisory and after school on the ride to her house and once you arrive, you head straight to her room. You kick off your shoes as you drop your backpack and faceplant on her bed in exhaustion as she leans against the doorway and lets out a small laugh. “Are we going to continue what we started earlier or are you too tired?” she playfully retorts. You roll over on your back and nonverbally reply with grabby hands. She makes her way over to you and straddles your waist, leaning down on her arms to bring her face over yours as she pulls her own shoes off. You wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer as you work on the buttons of her shirt with the other hand. She lowers herself to press her lips to yours while grabbing the

bottom of your shirt to pull it off. She bites her lip and blushes once she sees that you had the black lingerie she bought as a valentines gift under your clothes. You lightly caress her skin as you bring your hands down to the button of her jeans. You undo the button and slip them off of her leaving her in only her undergarments. She sits up and undoes your pants, slipping them off before she positions herself on your thigh and starts to grind on it. You pout as the fabric slides against your thigh and she giggles. “Aww does someone want more?” she teases. You furrow your brows as you lean up to grab her by the front connection of her bra and pull her down. She adjusts to straddle you again and just back a bit as she caresses your skin. She unclasps your bra and throws it off to the side before taking a moment to marvel at the sight of you. You blush as she leans down to trail kisses from your neck down your collar, being sure to only leave marks where nobody else would see them. She trails a hand down your torso until she makes it to your panties. She rubs over the fabric for a bit then hooks her fingers under the fabric of your panties. After finding your sensitive spot she starts to gently caress the small area causing you to shift under the sudden pleasure, lightly moaning as you bite your lip. You glance up at her as you bring your hand to the clip on her bra, undoing it before grabbing onto one of her breasts and squeezing it. She moans at this and moves her hand further till she reaches your opening and gently rubs it back and forth as you massage her breasts alternatively, causing a small moan to escape both your lips. She rubs lower and farther until she finally reaches your entrance. Your breathing hitches as she starts to hook her fingers, slowly working her way inside you. She starts with two fingers, slowly moving deeper into you until you whimper and earn a look from her. “Tell me what you want love” she nearly whispers in a seductive tone. “I-I- f-faster p-please” you manage in between pants. She increases her speed, thrusting her fingers into you, causing you to pant at the feeling of her inside you. After ten minutes she stops, discontented that she hasn’t done much enough to get many moans from you. She gets up and you look at her quizzically as she goes to her closet. “Well since fingering you hasn’t done much, I think it’s time to play with my toys don’t you think?” Your stomach tightens at this as she pulls a dual dildo and a pair of plugs out of a box. She walks back over to you and flips you on your stomach. You beg her for a punishment and she looks surprised at this request. “Someone has some secret kinks huh?” she teases as she spanks you before tearing your panties off and spreading your legs. She pulls you up before pushing the plug into you, earning a loud moan as she does. You cover your mouth and she flips you back over and climbs on top of you. “Don’t be shy now darling, you scream as loud as you want for me ok?” You nod as she pushes the second plug into herself and inserts half of the rather lengthy toy inside herself. “Baby I want to hear what I can do to you ok?” She says as she lowers herself to you, aligning the toy to your opening. She slides it into you and you let out a gasp. “You ready?” She affirms before starting. You nod and she starts thrusting the toy inside you, causing you to moan at the size of it. She quickens her pace as you both moan louder. She grabs a remote and presses a button that causes the entire toy to start vibrating. You scream as she increases the vibrations to nearly the top level. “I-I’M CLOSE, M-MOMMY”, you scream out as your body nearly over-stimulates. She slows her pace at this and you stutter out an apology, I-I’m sorry, i-it slipped, I-I-” She brings a finger to your lips to silence you, “don’t worry love, I -I like when you call me that” she manages between breaths. “Let’s f-finish you off darling”, she says as she quickens her pace, thrusting faster and harder each time. She moves two fingers to your sweet spot and starts rubbing as she

thrusts. It is not long until this causes you to scream, finally hitting your climax. She moans at your release and reaches her own as her hips crash down onto yours. She shifts up to pull the toys out and you grab her and pull her around so you can lick her clean. She moans as your tongue makes contact with her clit, arching her back as she rides out her climax. She spreads your legs wider and begins to lap up your sweetness, causing you to moan into her. Once you finally finish, your body falls limp and she pulls you to the top of the bed, resting your head on the pillows. She lays next to you and pulls you close as she whispers in your ear, “you were so good for mommy, I love you darling”. You smile into her, “I love you too mommy”. She holds you into her and pulls the blankets over the both of you as you fall into a blissful slumber.
