#ani speaks


if I had a peanut allergy i would simply not go into anaphylactic shock. RIP to millennials but I’m different

I know full well that I have shit to do and yet

I wonder how many notes I can increase a post by simply from replying on it


about patbob

we often speculate about whether patbob or squidbob works better romantically, and today I decided to talk about that a little—specifically from the patbob end, although I’ll mention squidbob a few times for further comparison.

as we know, spongebob and patrick consider each other best friends in the show, and work well together with their similar sense of fun/adventure.

spongebob (left) and patrick (right) jellyfishing in jellyfish fields
patrick and spongebob giggling in class

however, every relationship has conflict. we see a different side of spongebob and patrick’s relationship in the episode “Rock-a-Bye Bivalve”: https://youtu.be/jneysYvEfYI

Although this part was played up for the sitcom-esque relationship (edited with laugh track in this particular clip), at its core is spongebob and patrick’s real dynamic. As we have seen throughout the show, spongebob is depicted as an enthusiastic and hard worker while patrick tends to be more laidback. In this video, we can see it cause tension between the two as they try to live together and raise a family.

(TB continued on another post)
