#ani this is goooooooooood



Uneasy Lies The Head That Wears A Crown [LuNyx]

So this has been sitting in my files unfinished and collecting cyber dust for almost 6 months lmao. But I somehow managed to get my butt to finally finish it. 

This is a fic set in me and @annaoi​‘s Crown AU. 

Other Crown AU Fics: (*written by @annaoi on her writing blog @luna-ulric)

  • Solemn Promises*
  • An Inbetween*
  • Lament*
  • Queen and Mother*
  • Liege

She watched as it was being taken out its leather case from where it sat nestled in a bed of blue velvet, seeing it sparkle against the sunlight as gloved hands handed the jewel over for her to hold in her own.  Surprisingly light was its weight in her palms, yet there was still an undeniable heaviness to it. Lifting it up carefully, she then placed the royal heirloom on her head, unaware that at the same time she was also holding her breath. When she glanced up at her reflection in the mirror, an unexpected sense of almost unease overcame her being from the very first glimpse. The decorated jewels and the band of precious metal glistened ever so delicately on her head, with the chains of dainty crystals hanging across to frame her face. With the coronation robes that were also cloaked over her form, she was now wearing the whole ceremonial ensemble. Lunafreya walked towards the mirror to take a closer look, carefully minding her steps as if she were balancing the crown on her head. If she had to say, she was a little taken back from seeing herself. 

It was a sight she never dared to imagine would ever be possible.

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