#animal crossing flick


Heya!! I made Animal Crossing themed Valentine’s Day card prints!

Thought I make a lil something for this holiday so here we are! I am actually quite fond on how these came out so why not share them with you all today! Enjoy the puns that I came up with, they were fun to come up with! Also! If you like to download these images yourselves, here are the digital versions of the cards: just download and crop them to their size!! :)

Happy Valentine’s Day~!!!

Flick from Animal Crossing my beloved[ID: A digital drawing of Flick from Animal Crossing: New Horiz

Flick from Animal Crossing my beloved

[ID: A digital drawing of Flick from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is a side profile of his face. He is a red cartoon lizard with three small yellow spikes on his face and four large red spikes on the back of his head, resembling a mohawk. He has indigo eyes. All on a mustard yellow background.]

Post link



I made a shared room with C.J and Flick at Pocket Camp!

Pocket Camp MyID→75648341500

Their room is on the second floor of the cabin! Come and see♪

(The first floor is an apple pie cat cafe)
