

“Dear Santa: Leave presents, take brothers”

What can I say? I love Animaniacs, silly Christmas photoshoots and ugly sweaters, so I made this little something (Papa Bugs took the picture )

Happy Holidays, lovely people! Stay safe

Instagram: @wandering_nicky

Some perspective. 

When I was younger, I couldn’t get enough of books on physics, astronomy, and anything related to the non-human universe on both the micro and macro scale. While my math was questionable, my grasp on the foundational concepts was pretty solid. I was fascinated and absorbed in imagining how vast the known universe is and how crazy existence felt in relation to it all. I still feel that way. This video elucidates how my teenage musing on space-time felt, feelings I still carry with me (it also helps explain why, for example, I thought things like “pledging allegiance to the flag” —any flag for that matter— in school was ridiculous, pointless, and laughable). 

Give it a watch and feel that wonderful disorientation in the cosmic scale of what is and your place in it. 

TL:DR version from the Animanics -  Yakko’s Universe Song

Or, if you prefer, here’s The Galaxy Song (from Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life)
