#anime challenge


My anime crush is Natsume Hyuuga of Gakuen Alice ‘cause HE IS JUST PERFECT<3 


This is literally me whenever I see him. HAHAHA


Natsume looking awesome in both the anime and the manga.Although I think he looks better in the anime when he was younger.


He’s looks so cute here I wanna pinch his cheeks so bad. Ugh!


Okay, Mikan is one super lucky gal to have him.:( I’d never find someone like Natsume in real life. Sometimes it sucks to be both a girl and a human being you know. Everything i want in a man only exists on anime characters. Why is that? Whyyy?! *sighs and realizes life is unfair*


Definitely Fairy Tail!!! I really wanna watch it, but it hasn’t ended yet. </3 I don’t want to watch it then wait for a long time for the release of the next episode. I’m not going to be contented because of that. I wanna watch the episodes consecutively, okay? :)



You are beautiful is a set based around the wonderful challenges created by @hanae-ichihara,@watashi-akuma, and @larimii . I think they were originally made with the purpose of gifs and edits, but since I can’t do gifs, I decided I would incorporate these challenges into what I do best - writing fics! I’m excited to explore my favorite character with these fics.

For the prompts I couldn’t think of, I’ll be using the following generatorsto give me a general direction for each fic:
-OTP Generator by eliasz
-Writing Exercises Random Plot Generator
-BelovedOTP Prompt Generator
-ScatterPatter’s Incorrect Quotes Generator
-Prompts A Million Tumblr

I don’t know if I will be doing these in order, I might just do them in whatever order the inspiration strikes me. I will also try not to repeat characters but I make no promises! Also, I feel like I need to say how much I appreciate these challenges because it reconnected me with past loves that I completely forgot about (which isn’t hard for me lol.) I was careful to choose only characters that held a special place in my heart <3 This was honestly so feckin’ hard and it took me a week to finally piece it all together, especially for the female characters. Finally, the song lyrics may not be 100% accurate but I did my best to find ones that were.

If you’re on PC, you can use CTRL + F to quickly search for your fandom.


❃ Table of Contents

  1. coming soon


❃ Waiting

[x] = denotes a reserved prompt, subject to change.
[~] = denotes a written, but unpublished prompt.

✿❀✿❀10 Colorful Eyes ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • G r e e n ~ England (Hetalia)
    • A friend drawing on Person A and Person B’s faces when they sleep. They wake up to see each other faces covered in silly doodles.
  • P u r p l e ~ Suoh Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club)
    • Person A and Person B adopting an orphan.
  • R e d ~ Tweedledum (Kiddy Grade)
    • Them accidentally (or purposefully) dozing off in a hammock together as the sun sets and the air cools down.
  • Y e l l o w ~ Wanijima Agito (Air Gear)
    • Person A and Person B holding hands because there’s a crowd but not letting go when they get out of it.
  • B r o w n ~ Nakazato Takeshi (Initial D)
    • They meet when Person A sees Person B walk into a street sign.
  • B l u e ~ Kasamatsu Yukio (Kuroko no Basket)
    • Person A and Person B cooking something without the recipe, because Person B is confident they know how to cook it from memory.
  • O r a n g e ~ Giotto (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
    • Someone loses a fortune at cards.
  • P i n k ~ Hazuki Nagisa (Free)
    • Someone is accused of theft.
  • G r a y ~ Otosaka Shunsuke (Charlotte)
    • Them getting a puppy/kitty, and arguing over names.
  • B l a c k ~ Kageyama Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100)
    • Person B staring admiringly at Person A from across the room. A friend whispers into Person B’s ear: ‘Why are you so thirsty?’


✿❀✿❀15 Days of School Anime ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • An Entrance Ceremony; Chiyomatsu Bantarou (Prince of Stride)
    • Y/N’s first day at high school, runs into a familiar faceduring the entrance ceremony.
  • A Female Protagonist; Harribel Tia (Bleach)
    • Y/N is kidnapped by Aizen and Tia is assigned as bodyguardbut starts to feel protective over them.
  • A School; Marui Bunta & Rikkaidai (Prince of Tennis)
    • Y/N moves to Japan and transfers to Rikkai halfway through the year, Bunta helps them adjust.
  • A Friendship; Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh)
    • Y/N is jealous of Yugi and his friendship with the others because they are lonely and Yugi notices.
  • A Male Protagonist; Kobayakawa Sena (Eyeshield 21)
    • Person a and Person b trying to hide their relationship. However, it turns out everyone knows they’re dating.
  • A Uniform; Ootori Kyouya (Ouran High School Host Club)
    • After Y/N’s father gets remarried, she is forced to attend Ouran High but the uniform for the females makes her sick and she refuses to wear it.
  • A Club; Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu)
    • Y/N is forced to join a club but has no interest in any of them so they let their brother choose for them and he signs them up for the volleyball club.
  • A Senior Character; Oni Juujirou (Prince of Tennis)
    • When Y/N first saw Oni, they were terrified of him and actively avoid him, which isn’t hard since he’s a third-year, but after he found them having a panic attack in the hallway and helping them calm down, they learn not to judge a book by its cover.
  • A Male Supporting; Oshitari Kenya (Prince of Tennis)
    • Y/N was supposed to play a match with Kenya after school but when they get detention, Kenya decides to keep them company by getting detention himself.
  • A Festival; Monoma Neito (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Y/N is not looking forward to the sports festival because they hate crowds and they’re quite lazy, but their classmate just won’t shut up about how he’s going to win and show the class 1-A kids who the real hero is. Little does Y/N know, he wants to impress them.
  • A Couple; Kazehaya Shouta & Kuronuma Sawako (Kimi ni Todoke)
    • Y/N never believed in love. To them, it was just something people made up to have sex with each other, but when they see their childhood friend, Sawako, falling in love with the class’s pretty boy, they start to think that maybe love really does exist.
  • An Elementary Character; Nezu Kichi & Suekichi (Gakuen Babysitters)
    • Y/N is Chuukichi’s good friend and often watches the twins since they have all the best games, but when it starts to snow one winter night, the boys drag Y/N out to build a snowfamily.
  • A Teacher; Takeda Ittetsu (Haikyuu)
    • Y/N feels like a failure. Everything they seem to touch ends up screwed up and no matter how hard they try, they just can’t seem to get anything right. Volleyball was the only thing they felt confident in, but after getting destroyed by Aoba Johsai during a practice game and getting teased by Oikawa, they can’t take the pressureand break down crying. Takeda finds them and Y/N can’t seem to stop talking as they unload all of the negative feelings they’ve been holding back.
  • A Female Supporting; Momoe Maria (Ookiku Furikabutte)
    • There’s very few people that Y/N respects and admires, but Momoe is one of them. To thank the older woman for doing such a good job and looking after her baby brother, Abe, Y/N decides to spend their hard earned money buying the woman baseball-themed gifts for her and her dog, Ai.
  • Favorite Anime; Yukimura Seiichi (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A: Well, well, well… if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up bad.


✿❀✿❀20 Male Character Days ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • Favorite male character from a drama; Liang (Nanbaka)
    • Person B gets into a heated argument with someone. Person B begins threatening them, so Person A, picks up Person B and carries/drags them out of the room before anyone gets hurt.
  • A character that you would like to have as your brother; Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket)
    • Y/N adores their baby brother and no matter what happens, they’ve always put on a brave face and hid their emotions so they didn’t worry Tetsu, but when they are on the verge of failing their first semester of college, being verbally abused by their boss, and dealing with the fact that their best friend now hates them, they’re facade is quickly fading. Tetsu notices it as soon as they return home for the weekend. You’ve always been strong for me, let me return the favor.
  • Favorite male character with glasses; Tezuka Kunimitsu (Prince of Tennis)
    • Can you send me a picture? I want to prove to all of my friends that angels really do exist.
  • Favoritebadass male character; Zaraki Kenpachi (Bleach)
    • I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! … And this knife I found.
  • Favoritechild male character; Fuuta (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
    • Person A and Person B watching a horror movie. Person A can’t sleep that night and Person B comforts them in a cuddle.
  • Favorite male character from a shoujou; Kamitani Hayato (Gakuen Babysitters)
    • Person A, you don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass.
  • FavoriteKyoAni male character; Shimada Kazuki (A Silent Voice)
    • Y/N has been avoiding Kazuki since he started picking on Shouko, and they’ve done a good job of avoiding them. They go to the fair and line up for the ferris wheel. Since the line is so long, two people have to go into each car, but their cousin disappears at the last minute claiming his stomach hurts. Thus you and Kazuki are forced into the car together and, wouldn’t you know it, it gets stuck at the top.
  • Favorite male character from a shounen; Shigaraki Tomura (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Person A and Person B playing a co-op video game and Person A keeps dicking around and Person B just wants to get past the first level god dammit.
  • Favorite male character from a movie; Hitsugaya Toushirou (Bleach, Fade to Black)
    • Y/N may have forgotten about Rukia, but they could never forget about their best friend, Ichigo, or the love of their life, Toushirou. Too bad Toushirou forgot about them.
  • Favorite male character from a comedy; Rin Hiryuu (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Person A: Please, I’m begging you go to a doctor.Person B: I’m sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
  • Favoritemale friendship; Kuroo Tetsuroo & Kozume Kenma (Haikyuu)
    • Person A: I love you guys, you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.Person B: We’re the best thing that’s ever happened to you?Person A: Yes!Person C: I’m starting to feel a little sorry for you.
  • Favoriteolder male character; Ukai Ikkei (Haikyuu)
    • person a: alright, the four things we need for a wedding. something old- person b: you. person a: i will call off this wedding right now.
  • Favorite male character from a sci-fi; Un-ou (Kiddy Grade)
    • After all this war and chaos, I would love to take you on a date!
  • Favoritenon-human male character; Karupin (Prince of Tennis)
    • With Ryoma always out at school or practice, Karupin doesn’t get the attention he deserves so Y/N decides he will be their wingman and they bring him to school with them.
  • Favoritefathercharacter; Fujiwara Bunta (Initial D)
    • Person A, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!Person B: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
  • A male character that needs more screen time; Russia (Hetalia)
    • Person A: I prevented a murder today.Person B: Really? How’d you do that?Person A: self control.
  • A male character with the best hairstyle; Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)
    • Person A: That was my cookie!Person B: What’s mine is yours, and yours is mine.
  • A character you would swap your life with; Atobe Keigo (Prince of Tennis)
    • Y/N is the complete opposite of Atobe in every way, but he has the life they wish they could have - popular, strong, smart, and rich. When they wake up one day to find that they have switched lives, they come to learn that Atobe’s life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
  • Favoritesupporting male character; Sakaeguchi Yuuto (Ookiku Furikabutte)
    • Person A: How petty can you get?Person B: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
  • Favoritelead male character; Echizen Ryoma (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.Person B, not looking up from their book: Spear.Person A: BLOCKED.


✿❀✿❀10 Colorful Days ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • B l a c k Hair ~ Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
    • Person A: *Gets down on one knee*Person B: Oh my god, it’s finally happening.Person A: *Falls over*Person B: The poison is kicking in.
  • B l o n d e Hair ~ Krauser Liliadent (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.Person B: You need to stop.
  • P u r p l e Hair ~ Nakamura Toshiaki (The High School Life of a Fudanshi)
    • Person B finds Person A working on an assignment for the last few hours without a break.
  • O r a n g e Hair ~ Sengoku Kiyosumi (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A is alone in the rain because they forgot to bring an umbrella, Person B offers to share theirs.
  • B l u e Hair ~ Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket)
    • Person A: *Accidentally hits Person B in the face* Person A: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry’ and 'Are you okay’* Person A: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Person B: What’s wrong with you?!
  • G r e e n Hair ~ Midoriya Izuku (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Person A: It’s dark in herePerson B: Don’t worry dude I got thisPerson B: *Stomps their feet*Person B: *Skechers light up*
  • W h i t e Hair ~ Zoldyck Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
    • Person B: what is the one thing I told you not to doPerson A: burn the house downPerson B: and what did you doPerson A: made you dinnerPerson B:Person A: and burnt the house down
  • R e d Hair ~ Gaara (Naruto)
    • Person A: Person B, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Person B: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Person A: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Person C.
  • P i n k Hair ~ Usaida Yoshihito (Gakuen Babysitters)
    • Person A: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Person B: Person A no. Person C: Mistlefoe. Person B: Please stop encouraging them.
  • B r o w n Hair ~ China (Hetalia)
    • Person A: This is such a bad idea.Person B: Then why are you coming along?Person A: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.


✿❀✿❀10 Days of Anime Scenes ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • R o m a n t i c; Katsuki Yuri & Nikiforov Victor (Yuri on Ice)
    • When Yuri told Y/N that he was beginning to develop feelings for Victor, they encouraged him and supported him without pressuring him. And when Yuri completed his performance, Y/N was there cheering as loud as they could, and they couldn’t stop smiling when Victor tackled Yuri.
  • F u n n y; Shiraishi Kuranosuke (Prince of Tennis)
    • Y/N was thankful to be invited when Seigaku went to visit Shitenjouji but then their captain ran face first into the gate of the school and Y/N just couldn’t hold back their laughter.
  • S a d; Nine (Terror in Resonance)
    • Y/N was sure things were going to turn around for them and their friends, but then Nine slipped through their fingers and there was nothing they could do.
  • A c t i o n; Urushihara Hanzou/Lucifer (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
    • Y/N was surprised when Lucifer appeared, even more so when he tried to take on the demon king. They were happy to be there to watch the action as the two demons collided.
  • S h o c k i n g; Kuroki Tomoki (WataMote)
    • Y/N knew that Tomoki’s sister was a total introvert that just couldn’t seem to interact with others, but when they try to befriend the girl for their boyfriend’s sake, they are shocked to find that they have more in common than they would have thought.
  • H a p p y; Shuuichirou Oishi (Prince of Tennis)
    • Y/N did not play tennis. Really, they didn’t like it either, but they have supported Seigaku since the start and they weren’t about to stop now, so when the team made it to the nationals and won, Y/N was so happy that they started to cry and couldn’t stop hugging Oishi.
  • E m o t i o n a l; Abe Takaya (Ookiku Furikabutte)
    • Y/N has always been an emotional person, but when Abe broke his leg, they became quite panicked and just wanted to help him in anyway they could while also reassuring Mihashi that things would be fine.
  • P r e t t y; Jyugo (Nanbaka)
    • When Y/N became a guard for building 13 and first met the problematic four, the first thing they thought was that Jyugo’s eyes were really pretty and they often got distracted, staring into his eyes.
  • M u s i c a l; Senoo Tasuku (Prince of Stride: Alternative)
    • Y/N avoided Galaxy Standard as much as possible, which wasn’t easy since they shared a class with a couple of its members, but when they perform for the school’s music festival, Y/N is forced to attend and they can’t help but notice just how attractive and talented Senoo really is.
  • S c h o o l; Kirihara Akaya (Prince of Tennis)
    • Rikkai was a top-notch school that expected results from all of its students, but Y/N was considered a disgrace by their teachers. Kirihara won’t give up on them, though, and is determined to give them a reason to try harder and do the school proud.


✿❀✿❀C h a r a c t e r ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • A character from your current favorite fandom; Hiyoshi Wakashi (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A: Here’s some advicePerson B: I didn’t ask for anyPerson A: Too bad. I’m stuck here with my thoughts and you’re the only one who talks to me
  • A character from your previous favorite fandom; Hibari Kyoya (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
    • Person A: I can explain.Person B: Can you?Person A: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
  • A character who looks like you; Yabasawa Moe (SKET Dance)
    • Like Yabasawa, Y/N is a heavyset female, but unlike Yabasawa, she doesn’t have half the confidence that the other girl does. She decides to try and imitate Yabasawa in order to gain confidence in her own body.
  • A character who acts like you; Kuroki Tomoko (WataMote)
    • Like Tomoko, Y/N has zero social skills and just can’t seem to properly interact with those around them. The two of them meet during an MMORPG and when Y/N lets it slip that they both go to the same school, these two introverts decide to try and build a friendship with each other.
  • Ablack haired character; Sawamura Daichi (Haikyuu)
    • Person A: How many kids do you have?Person B: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
  • A character from the last anime you watched; Viola Shizuru (My Otome)
    • Person A: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.Person B: I think you mean cards.Person A, pulling knives out of their sleeves: No, I do not.
  • Thehottest character; Aoyama (Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun)
    • Person A: What are your goals?Person B: To pet all the cats.Person A: No, fitness goals.Person B: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the cats.
  • Thefunniestcharacter; Saitama (One Punch Man)
    • Person A: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.Person B: Wasn’t Person C with you?Person C: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
  • A character who could be your best friend; Bakugo Katsuki (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Person A: Oh just so you know, it’s very muggy outsidePerson B: Person A, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn…Person A: *Sips coffee from bowl*
  • A character who taught you something about real life; Sanada Genichirou (Prince of Tennis)
    • “We’ll stare back at those who mock us and beat the arrogance out of them. Don’t back down, don’t be afraid, don’t look back. Leave no one behind. We’ll all rise up together!”
  • A character with glasses: Edogawa Conan (Detective Conan)
    • Person B giving Person A a piggyback ride.
  • A character from the current season; Winter - Fuji Yuuta (Prince of Tennis II) | Spring - Mitobe Rinnosuke (Kuroko no Basket) | Summer - Bandou Haruki (Cheer Danshi!) | Fall - Sugawara Koushi (Haikyuu)
    • Person A, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name himPerson B: You did WHAT–Person C: William Snakepeare
  • Atsundere character; Vegeta (Dragonball Z)
    • Person A: This is a mistakePerson B, enthusiastically: A mistake we’re going to laugh about one day!Person A: But not todayPerson B, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today’s going to be a mess
  • Alolita character; Hildegarde (Beelzebub)
    • Person A: Person B… Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?Person B: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.Person A: I wrote sanitize, Person B.
  • Asmart character; Yanagi Renji (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.Person B: Killed without hesitation.Person A: No.
  • Agoofycharacter; Zaizen Kaoru (Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun)
    • Person A, standing with their back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Person B.Person B: How did you do that without turning around?Person A: … To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
  • Ared-eyed character; Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basket)
    • Person A: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our livesPerson B: I wake up at 4:30 AMPerson A: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
  • A character who could be your boyfriend; Ootori Choutarou (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A is scared of the thunder and Person B tries to calm them down during an particularly heavy storm.
  • Asci-fi character; Akira Agarkar Yamada (Tsuritama)
    • Person A: We need to get through this locked door. Person B, give me your credit card.Person B: Here.Person A, pocketing it: Thanks. Person C, kick down the door.
  • Afantasy character; Alolan Sandslash (Pokemon)
    • Y/N was out playing PoGo, trying to take over as many gyms as possible, but they are unaware that they are being followed until someone hits them on the back of the head with a bat. When they wake up, their Alolan Sandslash is hovering over them looking worried. They’re now in the Pokemon world!
  • Asupernatural character; Brago (Zatch Bell)
    • Person A: Am I in trouble?Person B: Take a guess.Person A: No?Person B: Take another guess.
  • A character with pigtails; Kurashita Tsukimi (Princess Jellyfish)
    • Person A: Dumbest scar stories, go!Person B: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.Person C: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it.Person D: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.Person E: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn.Person F: I have emotional scars.
  • A character you would like to have as your rival; Echizen Ryoga (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A: I can explain.Person B: Can you?Person A: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
  • The character who makes you cry when they cry; Yaku Morisuke (Haikyuu)
    • Person B: I tried to make you a birthday cake but it completely flopped so now your cake is just a plate of marshmallows. I’m sorry.
  • A character with the most beautiful eyes; Niou Masaharu (Prince of Tennis)
    • The first thing Y/N noticed about Niou was his beautiful eyes. They were like pools of water that they just wanted to jump into and get lost in forever. This makes having a conversation with them quite hard as they always zone out, staring at his eyes.
  • Akuudere character; Todoroki Shouto (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Person B and Person A as friends in school before they’re together. They awkwardly use each other to learn how to/practice kissing and end up making out passionately until their mouths are sore.
  • Acute female character; Nishimiya Shouko (A Silent Voice)
    • Person B and Person A were separated for several years for reasons they couldn’t help. They finally find each other and have a heartfelt reunion.
  • Acute male character; Mihashi Ren (Ookiku Furikabutte)
    • Person A: Person C and I are having a baby.Person B: That’s gre-Person A, slamming adoption papers on the table: It’s you, sign here.
  • A character that marked your childhood; Tsume (Wolf’s Rain)
    • Person A: Must be hard not being able to laughPerson B: I do have a sense of humor you knowPerson A: I’ve never heard you laugh beforePerson B: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
  • A character you will love and remember for the rest of your life; Sawada Tsunayoshi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
    • Person A: *Stubs their toe* FUCK!Person B: Mind your language!Person A: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”???Person B:Person A: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.


✿❀✿❀20 Female Characters ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • Favorite female lead; Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
    • Person A: I just ended a four year relationship.Person B: Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?Person A: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship.*Person C and Person D fighting from across the room*
  • Favoritesupportingfemale; Asui Tsuyu (Boku no Hero Academia)
    • Person A: Person B, I’m sad.Person B: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay.Person C: Person D, I’m sad.Person D, nodding: mood.
  • Favorite female from a shounen; Kotetsu Isane (Bleach)
    • Being a soul reaper and dating a human was difficult, especially given how busy Isane was. Because of this, she forgets their anniversary. Person B: Stop apologizing, okay? I’ve already told you I’ve forgiven you a hundred times now, Person A.
  • Favorite female from a shoujou; Fujioka Haruhi (Ouran High School Host Club)
    • Person A: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?Person B: Have everyone stand.Person C: Bring three more chairs!Person D: The most important ones can sit down.Person E: Kill three.
  • A female that needs more screen time; Armitage Haruka (My Otome)
    • Person A: Today is a day of running through hurdles.Person B: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles?Person A: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
  • Favorite female from a comedy; Ryuzaki Sumire (Prince of Tennis)
    • Person A, going over Person B’s resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.Person B: YesPerson A: Okay… may I know what you create?Person A: Problems.
  • Favorite female from a drama; Hallard Chie (My Otome)
    • Person A: You’re the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.Person B: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.Person A: Absolutely not.
  • Favorite female from a sci-fi; Lumiere (Kiddy Grade)
    • Person A: So what do you do?Person B: I work in genetic research, and I’m currently trying to eliminate all Cancers.Person A: Wow, impressive.Person B: Then I’ll move on to Leos.
  • Favorite female from a movie; Matsumoto Rangiku (Bleach, Hell Verse)
    • Person A, struggling to keep upright in their 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for mePerson B, pointing at them and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
  • A character that you would like to have as your sister; Dragon Kid (Tiger & Bunny)
    • Person A: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.Person B: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.Person A: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
  • Favoriteolderfemale; Graceburt Maria (My Otome)
    • Person A: I’m incredibly fast at math.Person B: Alright, what’s 30x17?Person A: 47Person B: That’s not even close.Person A: But it was fast.
  • Favoritechildfemale; Degurechaff Tanya (Saga of Tanya the Evil)
    • When Y/N is waiting for the train with their father, they felt a pressure on their back before being thrown in front of the oncoming train. Reincarnated in a different time period, they somehow end up in the same place as their father, who’s now a little girl! When the other soldiers treat Y/N poorly, Tanya steps in and makes them pay before having Y/N transferred to her unit.
  • Favoritemother; Sawada Nana (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
    • Person B making Person A their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
  • Favoritebadass female; Scarlet Erza (Fairy Tail)
    • Person A: Can you please be serious for five minutes?Person B: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
  • Favoritenon-human; Sturluson Celty (Durarara)
    • Person A: .. .—-. – / … — .-. .-. -.– [translation: I’M SORRY]Person B: What’s that?Person A: Remorse code.Person B: I’m even angrier now.
  • FavoriteKyoAnifemale; Violet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
    • Person A: It’s chilly out here, you need a coat. Take mine.
  • Favorite female friendship; Yano Ayane & Yoshida Chizuru (Kimi ni Todoke)
    • Y/N has always found it strange that Yano and Yoshida are best friends since they are polar opposites. More than anything, they feel jealous by how strong their bond is and they would give anything to have that for theirself.
  • Favorite female with glasses; Shimizu Kiyoko (Haikyuu)
    • Person A: What’s a word thats a mix between 'sad’ and 'mad’?Person B: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-Person C: Smad.
  • A female character with the best hairstyle; Aida Riko (Kuroko no Basket)
    • Person A, to Person B: My life is in the hands of an idiot!Person B, motioning to themself and Person C: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
  • A character you would swap your life with; Shihouin Yoruichi (Bleach)
    • Y/N has always lived a hard life and she has no confidence. She believes she is useless and ugly and she would give anything to be able to switch lives with the person she most admires, even for just a day.Yoruichi is so strong and she’s gorgeous and confident. To Y/N, she’s perfect but she knows she could never be like Yoruichi. When Yoruichi finds out about this, she comforts Y/N.


✿❀✿❀10 Days of Anime Openings ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • Best song; Complication, ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (Durarara!! 2) | Orihara Izaya
    • Fearing a tomorrow where I embrace the anxiety that everything’s about to shatter.
  • Dark theme; Velonica, Aqua Timez (Bleach 9) | Ichimaru Gin
    • I see that same profile again and again, and hear those same words again and again…
  • Cute theme; Baby U!, MBLAQ (Beelzebub 4) | Naga
    • I can’t stop thinkin’ about you, I am so crazy for you, I won’t let anyone else have you.
  • Lively theme; No Pain No Gain, ? (Btooom!) | Kousuke Kira
    • Until my life comes to an end, I am gonna fight to tear apart that destiny.
  • Dramatic theme; Noizy Tribe, m.o.v.e (Initial D 4) | Fujiwara Takumi
    • I’m going to take you to a place where you’ll be able to see the light of day.
  • Reminds you of your childhood; Mirai no Kioku, Yuka (Kiddy Grade) | Cesario
    • Everybody’s keeping secrets, I don’t want to go back, let’s get together now, you and I are not alone.
  • From a shoujou; BELOVEDxSURVIVAL, Gero (Brother’s Conflict) | Asahina Natsume
    • Your smile is the sunrise, illuminating my heart.
  • From a shounen; Chain, BACK-ON (Air Gear) | Mikura Kazuma
    • Throw off these chains, spread your wings, toward a blue world…
  • Favorite anime; Dream Believer, Masaki Osami (Prince of Tennis 7) | Fuji Shuusuke
    • Before you knew it, you were running even in a tight rain, even in a heavy wind.
  • Last anime watched; Rin! Rin! Hi! Hi!, Hashiguchikanaderiya hugs The Super Ball (Nanbaka) | Sugoroku Hajime
    • What did you say his favorites are? We were just talking about it.


✿❀✿❀10 Days of Anime Endings ❀✿❀✿ [link]

  • Lively theme; Trust Me, Yuya Matsushita (Durarara!!) | Heiwajima Shizuo
    • I want to tell you again and again that you’re not alone.
  • From a shoujou; Maji Love 1000%, STARISH (Uta no Prince-sama) | Kurusu Syo
    • I want to hold you tight right now, for I truly wish to protect you.
  • Dark theme; Gravity, Maaya Sakamoto (Wolf’s Rain) | Kiba
    • Are the memories I hold still valid, or have the tears deluded them?
  • Favorite anime; Wonderful Days, Pull Tab to Can (Prince of Tennis 6B) | Zaizen Hikaru
    • I would’ve faced the far sky, stretched out my hands as if reaching for my thoughts, and let them all go.
  • Dramatic theme; Mad Surfer, Ken'ichi Asai (Bleach 20) | Sasakibe Choujirou
    • Go through downtown and go to another world.
  • Last anime watched; Oshiete yo, Hyorotto Danshi (Gakuen Babysitters) | Saikawa Keigo
    • I am happy, I always want to see your happy face.
  • Best song; I 4 U, AAA (Prince of Tennis Eikokushiki Teikyuu Shiro Kessen!) | Keith
    • I trust this friendship no matter what.
  • Reminds you of your childhood; Fukai Mori, Do As Infinity (Inuyasha) | Sesshomaru
    • Things are passing and changing and moving around, but the colors of the sky still remain the same.
  • Cute theme; PaPePiPu PaPiPePu PaPePiPuPo, Nozomi Sasaki (Beelzebub 4) | Himekawa Tatsuya
    • There’s no such thing as a limit, it’s a world just for you.
  • From a shounen; Blaze Away, TRAX (Eyeshield 21 2) | Kakei Shun
    • My heartbeat echoed, the key to opening it now is in your hands.

