#another update


hi! i’m not dead, i’m just suffering very much.

sorry for the lack of content! i’m currently dealing with an undiagnosed medical condition that is really kicking my ass and i’m now preparing to start college, too, so i’ve been very busy. i’m still writing, but mostly original works and OC fics, which, honestly, I’m hesitant to post? ik most people like my /reader stuff but i’ve never really posted oc stuff on here i don’t think

anyway thank you to all the new followers who just hopped out of nowhere- i’m noticing a spike in my daryl dixon content, i’m guessing the s11 trailer did that LMAO, it’s a perfect time to get addicted to twd again

hope y’all are having a good summer and staying safe <3

right so that Inquisitor!Cal concept? it’s on the back burner because I started like two more Cal things, one of which is a one-shot that is finished. as soon as my friend finishes beta reading- take ur time ily- i’ll post it :D

While I get my motivation back up and work on the requests I’ve received, I’m closing them for now. Ik I haven’t posted anything since November- shit’s been rough- but I promise I am working on things lol

howdy! i know i said i’d get back to fic writing soon, but with finals and christmas and a sudden novel idea, I’ve decided to take a break from my regular updates. i’ll still post any one-shots i finish, but my cody/fay and quinobi fics are on hold for the rest of december at least. hopefully i can pre-write a few chapters lol

happy holidays!!

sorry for the lack of updates lately- I’m taking a break from writing for a bit while I deal with some irl stuff, but my regular fic updates will start up again next Friday and I’ll get back to writing requests soon :) thank you for your patience
