#answering tags

angie-s-g: Sometimes this is de the only thing I want from post-canon content. Shenanigans in Lotus angie-s-g: Sometimes this is de the only thing I want from post-canon content. Shenanigans in Lotus angie-s-g: Sometimes this is de the only thing I want from post-canon content. Shenanigans in Lotus angie-s-g: Sometimes this is de the only thing I want from post-canon content. Shenanigans in Lotus


Sometimes this is de the only thing I want from post-canon content. Shenanigans in Lotus Pier. The juniors consider intervening. (mostly Sizhui) and Zewu-jun is on the money. Probably

Pardon the sketchiness of all of it, but this week was a bit hectic and the scene popped up in my head and got extended thanks to a friend chiming in and giving me more material.

This will probably end up being a short series 


I call this the “you are right and you should say it” squad.


Of course Nie Huaisang would be the main victim of the shenanigans. He self proclaimed himself to be “always the unlucky one”. I love him so much. And he is just so fun to play with [Wei Wuxian ghostwrote this]. 
Of course if you’ve seen the sequel to this post (link above) you know you were right. And zewu-jun as well. Which brings me to:


first of all. OUCH. And second: yes, my poor beautiful Xichen is usually a good judge of character. Except when he falls in love, which seems to be a theme for the Lans as a family.

Now I want send some love to everyone that noticed little tiny details that I always put for myself and never think people will end up picking up on. So congrats to these:


Jin Ling is now an equal to Zewu-Jun, unfortunately,  so he probably thinks that bowing one time is enough for a whole day, and a bit like Jiang Cheng he is low on social pleasantries. Especially when his friends are teasing him and he is grumpy about it.


LISTEN, I  regret putting the MN there, so hidden. I ended up thinking that most people wouldn’t have seen it. Thank you for informing me that at least someone has.


I do try! I used this style because I wanted to be able to make scenes quickly as opposed to the teen!NieLan series where I try to make them pretty. But that unfortunately comes at the price of simplifying them a lot. I was afraid they wouldn’t be distinguishable because with the CQL aesthetics they’d look too similar whereas with the Manhua you can tell by their hair. BUT. Glad to know that I managed to make Jingyi so smug that is easy to recognise

Which brings me to:


Thank you! I’m always a bit uneasy of changing styles but you guys don’t seem to mind if the story is good enough (which is the point of simple drawings for comics, to be honest)


Wish granted! and there’s more in the works, but you will all have to be a bit patient.

Thank you also to the people who never get tired of the fact that Jin Ling has an infinite number of uncles and those who found the “purple uncle” amusing. I’m pretty sure I didn’t invent that but kudos to whoever was the first to call him that. It will never stop being funny.


Now to the group of people who pointed out that if Nie Huaisang falls into the water he only has himself to blame. YOU ARE ALL RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT. 


You played yourself Huaisang, you played yourself. The moment he falls into the water he regrets it but the day after he will chuckle about it and be happy to have his mischievous friend back. Also hope you got to see the sequel dear user, cause your nhs falling is there.



I think that both times nhs was used as a shield in CQL he was thoroughly enjoying himself cause he is a little shit and likes to see the brothers banter. the first one is when they are drinking and wwx starts listing JCs requirements for a partner and he is laughing and cackling while blocking JC. The second time HE WALKS HIMSELF towards wwx to get in the middle of him and JC and wwx takes him by the shoulders. So maybe what I’m saying is that Huaisang likes to be manhandled a bit. just a bit.
About JC throwing Huaisang so he can get to wwx: he could. He absolutely could. But he never did anything to Huaisang in those other occasions so my bet is that JC knows he can’t be as rough with Huaisang as he is with his brother. I’m biased though because I love #SangCheng


Yunmeng bros are a fucking menace. Yanli was often caught in the middle of that.
Last one because there are so many things I wanted to comment on this long one:


I just love their playful dynamic and I think that post-canon if you only get wwx and jc together it can be tense and awkward. Same if its just jc and nhs or nhs and wwx. But I’m convinced that if the three of them got together they would inevitably fall in the old dynamic and go easier on each other. I have a burning desire for post canon content that deals with their reconciliation. Both the siblings relationship and the trio (and obviously sangcheng) are extremely important to me. I love them to pieces.

Thank you for noticing that JC called Huaisang by his name and not Nie-xiong or Nie-Zongzhu. I like to leave little SangCheng seeds here and there.
And the moral of the story is: kids, don’t bet against Zewu Jun. He knows. He just knows everything that involves mischief.

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