#anthony norman


Update re: Anthony’s show!

I think he may have pulled out of the show, he hasn’t posted anything about it since his initial Insta story and the showrunners just tagged someone else in their new post about it

I’m still going but a bit bummed

In February of last year, a few of my friends announced they’d be doing a show in March called “Lights Up On…"The premise was simple. They’d take six or seven of New York City’s best musical improvisers and one Broadway star, and create an hour-long show right on the spot. It sounded brilliant.

Musical improv is my life, and I’m a huge fan of everything these people do so I was delighted but not quite surprised to find an offer for a comp ticket in my FB inbox shortly thereafter.

Then, of course, March hit and the show was canceled.

Fast forward to this spring, and I’m waiting in line to see Shiz (Liana Hunt’s show). I see an ad for a show called Shitzprobe and I’m like "LOL” and then I thought the show poster looked familiar (my friend Annie does graphic design). I asked my friend if she did the poster, she said she did, and then she told me that Shitzprobe was just “Lights Up On…” with a new name.

So naturally I’ve been to all of their shows. Every time I see the show, I’m like “I really need this show to feature Bonnie Milligan or Brandon Uranowitz or a Newsie…” and in September, there WILL be a Newsie! Anthony Norman (Oscar Delancey on tour) is doing the show with his Prom co-star Josh Lamon!

Unfortunately I may have a conflict that night but you should definitely check it out. It’s at 7:30 on September 3 at Asylum NYC.
