#anthropomorphising geography

She makes the first move, because she wants to impress.  He’s impassive, a cliff that bears do

She makes the first move, because she wants to impress. 

He’s impassive, a cliff that bears down on her, unconquerable, immovable. And yet, here she is, trying to impress him with audacity. How else to impress something so titanic, someone so stoic?

And so he remains, stoic and titanic, in his own, overwhelming way, impressive, and she’s trying to use eagerness as an opening salvo. That she’s even firing the opening salvo is enough to terrify her. That he doesn’t seem to be reacting chills her to the bone.

And then he smiles. A little smile, just the corners of his mouth curling up. The rest of his face remains as it was, except for the eyes. Suddenly, the eyes are alive.

Somehow, that doesn’t reassure her. Somehow, that just makes it seem all the more dangerous. All the more exciting. 

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